CLP question.


New member
Yes I admit it, I use CLP, a bore brush with steel rods and a bore snake to clean my pistols, rifles and shotguns.
Now here's my question, and I'm hestitant to ask. About once a month I strip down all my firearms and apply a very light coating of CLP on them (regardless if they've been fired or not!)
For those firerams that I dry-fire ~300 times a week with (both Glock's) I strip both down, oil them a little more liberally than wiped them dry.
Will CLP in anyway affect the Tennefer finish or the polymer?
I really, really, really hate to admit this but I have been known to even apply a light coating of carnuba on the exterior of my other firearms, than wipe it off. Yep even the parkerized ones! :o
Is this a bad idea? So far no problems. But that doesn't mean that I couldn't be causing problems further down the road.


CrociJA, I don't really know if it would or not. If it were me I'd contact the company as ask them if there are any "side effects" from using their product. George
CrociJA - I also feel compelled to keep my firarms liberaly coated with CLP, including my Glocks. It's my way of enjoying the firearms given the little time I have to actually go to the range.

Over the years, I have experienced no bad side effects from this practice. None of my guns have any rust on them, NONE. CLP is not a harsh solvent and it does contain a rust/corrosion preventive. I would recommend you continue the practice, as the alternative would be idle hands and mind.

Heck, I use CLP to grease back my hair! Works great as a lotion too! :D

I use CLP for cleaning and LP for lubing. You are'nt alone when it comes to giving those weapons TLC.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."