Closest 1000yd Range


New member
So I believe this is in the right spot, but move if I'm wrong.

After reading through a bunch of posts and research, it appears that 1000yd ranges are kind of rare. Which surprised me because I have one less than 15 minutes from my house with good traffic.

So I'm now curious: how many of you have a 1000yd range close-by and what do you define as close by? For me, 1 hour is the furthest I would drive for an afternoon/morning at a range(presently, always subject to change). Probably 8-9 hours is the farthest I would drive for a weekend "range" trip, but I would also probably take some more time/different transportation if it was one of the lauded schools; aka Gunsite, Frontsight, etc..
Nothing close to me, my brothers own land in west Texas where I do my long-range shooting about 4 times a years since it is 8 hours from where I live. But there is enough space to shoot a couple of miles.
In terms of drive time, I have one within an hour and another within an hour and a half.

The first one is not far in terms of milage but getting there takes an hour. It goes without saying that it isn't in a heavily developed area. You turn at the big tree, then drive to where the brown dog is playing in the yard, then you get off the paved road............
I have one within 20 miles.

I have an 850 within an hour and, IIRC, there are at least two in FL. Not my thing as my eyes have enough trouble at 7 yards with a pistol and 100 with a rifle! :D
20 minutes away. Max range is 1,480 yds. Private range, invitation only and I have one of the coveted keys to the gate. I shoot there 1 to 2 times a week. Life is perfect.
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It takes an hour of driving to get to a range that has that much real estate. At least that will let people shoot at that range. Provided on the first trip they have an employee of the range to witness them fire out to 500 yards first. Then they are taken to the 1K yard range. They then get to show they can shoot that far without putting rounds over the hills, and into town so to speak.

I have heard of it from some coworkers. I have as of yet to feel like dealing with the traffic to get there. So I stick with the local range that goes to 100 yards. After seeing enough people that just plain can not shoot worth a hoot. I understand why there are not more long ranges around.
I am sure I could do it closer but I drive 100 miles to a place in western Utah. I call it my secret spot. I have hunted and shot there for nearly 40 years. I can shoot 1000's of yards. From where I shoot there is nothing between me and anything for 30-40 miles. I generally shoot at 100-150 yards. For those that don't understand the deserts in the west please understand when I say there is nothing I am 100 percent confident that there is nothing.
Takes me about an hour and a half but when I get there I can shoot out as far as I can see.

For usual shooting we set up targets spaced out every 100 yards to 500 and then skip to 1000. After that we throw some out at different ranges out to 2000 yards.

The biggest thing guys need to think about is buying quality ammo or rolling your own. Surplus and standard bullets don't cut it if you plan on shooting long or extremely long range.
I don't know of any actual "public ranges" that go to 1000 yards anywhere in Wyoming, but I have not looked either because I can go to a place within 20 minutes of my house and shoot to over a mile.

I can and do shoot to 400 yards on my own land. I can walk down the road onto public land and fire back onto my land, out to 750 yards.

To shoot at a true 1000 yards however, I have to do that 20 minute drive.
There's a very exclusive, multi-thousands-of-dollars-per-year 1,000 range about 45 minutes away. Way out of my price range.
There's another owned by a business about 2 hours away -- but only family members have access, and outsiders must be invited and approved by a vote.

The closest 1,000 yard range that I know of, that's open to the public - at least at some times during the year - is about 4 hours. But (there's always a "but", it seems) they're a private club on Federal land and the lease only allows public events during the peak of summer (in the middle of the desert) and the middle of winter (snowmobile access only, as the roads turn to 3 foot-deep mud if driven over). So nearly every "public" day has the 1,000 yard line reserved for a competition of some kind.

I can shoot to 600 or 650 in a fair number of places that are notably closer. But 800+ takes some travel.
TacPro is about 2 hours from me. I've been over there a couple of times, but never to use their 1,000 yard range.

There's another 1000 yard range between Austin and Killeen, but it's about 3 hours away. I've never actually been to that range.
In South Central Missouri The Big Piney Sportsman's Club has an 800 yard Range. We have several Club Members who live in other States just to use this range. Not many Clubs that you can belong to at a reasonable cost that have that long a range near us. Other long ranges that I know about are privately owned.

Location: Near Houston Missouri

Bob R