Close combat, how to learn?

Josh D

New member
I have about $100 to spend. I have to decide wether to get more ammo for my Garand, lures for bassin' this spring, or a Benchmade AFCK. Since I lost my Swiss Army Knife which I used all the time, I now have no knife at all. I shudder every time I think of this, so I will probably get the AFCK.

I will use it all the time for cutting rope, food, string, fishing line, etc., but since I will be getting the full size version, I will be able to use it in a defensive role, which I hope will never happen, but you never know. The only problem is, I have no martial arts, CQB, H2H, or knife training. If someone came running at me, the only thing I would know how to do is to side kick the person in the chest or gut, or duck out of the way.

I have neither the time or money to take classes or training, so are there any good books or instructional aids out there? I would like to learn how to use a knife defensively, and also how to do unarmed combat. I hear the USMC L.I.N.E. is pretty good, as that is what I want, more of a combat street fighting method instead of martial arts.

Any ideas would be helpful!

PS- Anyone have the AFCK full size partial serration in M2? That is what I am planning on getting.

And if I could, I would just employ my 92FS, but some of us aren't fortunate enough to have the CC option.

Don't turn around, uh oh oh, der kommisar is in town, uh oh oh!
I have gone through Linear Infighting Nueral Override Engagement (LINE) instructor training quite a few years ago. It is a compilation of about 8 different martial arts and is based on a few simple techs that don't require years of study or tremendous strength to execute. The training is based around placing you opponents body into a position that their only response is self protection. There is a lot of training on how to dislocate joints. In the more advance POIs LINE 5 and above ,if I remember right, you get into knife fighting, sentry removal and offensive unarmed killing. They (creators or LINE) believe it one of the best training programs out there if you don't have years to study. The Marines have stop teaching it though, there have been quite a few accidental casaulities in training. It takes about 2-3 weeks to learn the entire program, but I don't know how well it can be learned through books. Part of the POI is to actually be put against an opponent to practice.
I looked up the phrase "knife fighting" under and came up with a bunch of web pages you could check out.

I'd also go to a well-stocked library and see what you could find there...

I've learned alot from books found at the library...

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