clips for mossberg 702 and 802 plinkster rifles


New member
does any body out there know if the mossberg models 702 automatic and 802 bolt action rifles use the same clip. i found some 702 clips for a real good price. i was thinking of getting the 802 bolt action and stocking up on the clips if they would work. thanks for any info
magazines for mossberg 702 and 802 rifles

to correct my earlier question,will the magazine for the mossberg 702 semi auto 22 rifle-work in the mossberg 802 bolt action 22 rifle-in other words will they interchange,looking at the rifles at the mossberg site the clips(magazines) on both rifles look exactly alike
They are the same except for the follower, one is green, the other red.

The difference is that on the 702 (Semi-Auto) the last round bold hold open is handled by the magazine, the 802 bolt action doesn't need or have this feature. You can also push in the 702 bolt handle so that the bolt will stay open with the magazine removed...

My kids have 2 of the 702 Plinksters from Dick's, they have been great little guns, eat any ammo and are soda can accurate at 50 yards...

They sell the extra magazines on the Mossberg International web site for $12.00:
mossberg 702 and 802 magazines

thanks smitty in ct for the info,i found a few of the 702 magazines on sale at a walmart down the road here in dallas for 5 bucks each, couldn't pass up a good deal.
The 702 clip will not work in the mossberg bolt action. That clip is for the mossberg automatic. You have to get the 802 clip.
Plinkster 702 or 802 Magazines?

I am told that the 10 round Mossberg Plinkster magazine for the model 702 semi-auto rifle will fit my Remington Model Five bolt action rifle (with a new groove added). If the model 802 magazine is for a bolt action Plinkster rifle, would it not work in my Remington as well?
So my actual question is this -> What is the actual physical difference between the two mags? Because apparently from a previous comment, they are not interchangeable within the two Plinkster rifles.
the difference bettween the 702 and the 802 clip

the only major difference bettween the two clips are the 702 clip on the red plastic feeder plate has a raised center point to feed in the round on the simi automatic rifles were the 802 has a green flat plastic feeder plate for the bolt action to pass threw the clip and feed the next round hope this helps:)
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They will know for certain.

mossberg clips won't load

I just bought a new Mossberg 702 Plinkster and when I try to load the clip it jams after the third round. Has anybody else had this problem, and if so, what is wrong and can I fix it?
Maybe it's time to just give up trying to explain how almost none of the firearms sold today actually use clips. When gun owners don't even know something as simple as the difference between magazines and clips how are we supposed to educate the rest of the public about firearms?
Clips vs magazines

As long as you know the difference, do you have any idea about why the clip (magazine ) won't let me load over 3 rounds into the clip(magazine) without jamming? And by the way, I carried an m-14 in Nam for 18 months in 1966-67 and we called them clips, right or wrong.:D
It looks like you might have a magazine issue; I'm guessing the spring isn't strong enough to cause the rounds to feed correctly after the first few rounds are gone and there's less tension on the magazine spring.

Edit: Ah, I see now that you mean you can't load more than 3 rounds into the magazine (I thought you meant the rifle was jamming after you fired three rounds). I'm guessing the spring or follower is binding on something. Try taking the magazine apart (if you can) and see what's causing it to bind up; it might just be some extra plastic that you can shave off. If that doesn't work, you should be able to send it back to the manufacturer.

And I'm guessing that you guys called them "clips" as a hold-over from the M1 Garand, which was the last American rifle that actually required clips. By the time I got to the Marines in '97, the military knew the difference and it was drummed into us. And considering our ammo came on clips to make it easier to load into our magazines, it was very important for us to know the difference between the two.

All I'm saying is that there is a distinct difference between a "clip" and a "magazine", and very few semi-auto firearms these days require the use of clips. You can sometimes use clips to make loading the magazines faster and easier, but they're not required.

The constant use of the word "clip" to mean "magazine" just reminds me of the general ignorance of firearms we see in this country today; an ignorance that drives a majority of Americans to support ridiculous laws like the Assault Weapons Ban. In my opinion, not understanding the difference between a "magazine" and a "clip" is similar to not understanding the difference between semi- and full-auto, not understanding that "assault weapons" aren't "high-powered", not understanding that the Assault Weapons Ban is just a stupid law that bans cosmetic features, and not understanding that assault rifles and machine guns are already functionally illegal in this country.

I mean no disrespect and I'm not saying you're ignorant regarding firearms, but that's just my explanation for why it annoys me when people use the word "clip" to mean "magazine".

(Also, I just noticed that this is a zombie thread from over six years ago that's been resurrected four different times over the years by four different new members.)
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point taken

I was not aware of the zombie thread since I am a new user, and am ignorant when it comes to how these forums work, but I will try to learn.
I understand your point RE; people that want to ban assault weapons, and I KNOW OUR GOVERNMENT WOULD LIKE TO BAN ALL WEAPONS, EXCEPT THEIR'S.
I Think my magazine has a manufacturer's flaw in it. I have taken it apart and it looks okay, but when I load the fourth round it seems as though they want to get cocked sideways and it makes them jam.
There is no taking it back now as I have tried to modify it some and I know they wouldn't replace it at Walmart's, so I have ordered a new one and will see
if it will work.
The little rifle seems pretty accurate having only fired three shots with it so far.
Thanks for your info.:)
No problem, sorry I got a little preachy. And welcome to TFL! We like to argue here but it stays civil thanks in no small part to the great moderators we have.

As far as your mag, try calling Mossberg. They might replace it for free, you never know. There sure is no harm in asking.

No problem, I like to carry on a little myself. I think I will call Mossberg just for the heck of it. I ordered a new magazine that should be here tomorrow.
I took a finger nail emery file and made the one I have a little more workable, by filing the inside. Hopefully I can get it to work smooth enough to keep it as a backup.
Good lesson in firearms terminology, Fishbed77. Newcomers could benefit from discerning the difference between clips and magazines but, as Theohazard opined, it's probably time to give up trying to get people to understand what distinguishes the two. Too bad some manufacturers still use the word clip on the packaging of their magazines. :confused: