Clinton's secret sales?

Who else of our presidents have been lawyers?


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Anybody out there still think it was about sex? Slick dodged the big issues and charges, with a great deal of help from both parties, and threw the public a smoke screen.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
Heck no! It never was! (Of course, you know that...)

I faxed all 36 pages of the War Powers Act report to my reps and asked them if that was the reason why Clinton was not charged with violating his oath to support and uphold the Constitution.

No answers yet.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Snoman sez:
Would that not be treason, BIG TIME!!!!!!!!

Well, it depends on what your definition of "treason" is.


From the Webster Hypertext Gateway:
Treason (tree'-zuhn) n:

The offense... of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power; disloyalty; treachery.

In the United States, treason is confined to the actual levying of war against the United States, or to an adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

Looks like we have a bingo, folks.

According to the US Code, the penalty for treason during wartime is execution. Lucky for Bill we're not at war, hm?

Bullets and primers and hot brass a-flying;
Goblins in my house all screaming and crying;
Nineteen-elevens and scope-mounting rings;
These are a few of my favorite things...

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited March 12, 1999).]
Well, what did you expect from that jerk. He's proven that he's above the law, that he has absolutly no moral values and he dodged the draft. So, did you really believe he'd balk at treason?
As for the computers, the story is already circulating that they have a "backdoor chip" that will let us see what they are up to over ordinary phone lines. Personally, I think that is BS to cover his butt. Besides the Chinese aren't stupid, if that chip is in there they've already found and disabled it.
Slick Willie strikes again. :(