Clinton's Revenge

Ed Brunner

New member
Your assignment today should you choose to accept it is to be the first to describe what forms this revenge will take and at whom it will be directed.

Now that it appears that our fearless leader will skate it is all but certain he will be back with a vengeance.

What do you think?

Better days to be,

As bad as the Democrats and Republicans fight each other, they are more closely allied with each other than with the voters. Therefore, In Accordance With (IAW) our Constitution, I see no alternative but to vote for a new, third party candidate.

Now... Where to find one...
i'll have to agree w/ Dennis. i think it's time for a 3rd party to arise. yes, the republicans say they're for less government, and are for the rights of the citizens, but yet spend $50 million dollars(of citizen money) on a witch hunt, and now it looks like the witch is biting them back. i don't like clinton, don't like most of what he stands for, didn't like him when he was governor here in the good ol' razorback state. i seem to have a problem w/ what the repubs' are really after. like all who serveup there in the nations capital, i feel they have truly forgotten all about the constitution, what it stands for, and how to act upon what it says. now, do we have a better option? i don't know, but i will be searching.

off soapbox!!

fiat justitia
As a card-carrying Libertarian, I feel obliged at this point to furnish the address for the Libertarian Party web site:

[This message has been edited by Mort (edited 01-24-99).]
Longhair: The $50 million was to investigate Whitewater. So far over 45 sentances have been handed down, with over 50 more indictments pending in the matter. The specific orders for the investigation were to investigate ALL persons involved, for ALL crimes except class b or c misdemeanors. The OIC was extended by authority and reccomendation of the president in 1994. The evidence presented to the Attny General in the Whitewater case clearly pointed to clinton, and the Attny General (reno), deemed a clinton appointee (fisk(?)) as being unbiased and replaced him with Starr. I would not refer to it as a witch hunt, but rather a democratic two step. They side stepped the issue of having a democratic appointee have to do his job, and replaced him with a Republican target. Well thought out on the democratic side. They left the Republicans no place to go. If Starr had refused the appointment ( I don't belive he had an option to refuse other than to resign) it would have proved a Republican bias. If he accepted the appointment, he proved a Republican bias. The facts were on the web at but the link no longer works (hmmmmm)
Getting back to Ed's topic....

I suspect that Clinton will skate too, and he (and his likeminded cronies) will be more arrogant than ever.

1) He will burn up pens and paper mills will be working over time to keep up with his writing new Executive orders

2) We will see stepped up personal attacks on any Republican or Democrat that dares to speak of fiscal responsibility, Constitutional rights or less Federal regulation

3) Increased legislation that gives Federal control into more and more of our daily lives, resulting in higher taxes

4) More attacks on legitimate businesses (tobacco, guns, SUV's,etc), resulting in higher taxes

5) More phoney "medical studies" funded by federal money

6) The atmospere encouraged by Washington will result in more State and local legislation; crackpot groups filing lawsuits against everything.

Its gonna be a fine time for unprincipled, money grubbing lawyers

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
What DC said!

And, regarding that third party, consider thinking in terms of personal and economic freedom - not 'right' and 'left'. Besides the Libertarian website, another interesting source is . BTW, personal and economic freedom absolutely requires personal responsibility as well - freedom and libertarian perspectives don't mean anarchy.
As for great groups with great websites, The Independence Institute is one of the finest. Bookmark and check back from time to time. They've got a great daily e-mail service with news and voting information on legislators.

Thanks to the Independence Institute, Colorado has a Republican Governor and two Republican Senators. I support the ideals of the Libertarian party, but most Libertarian votes are stolen from Republicans... Divide and conquer, anyone?
You got that right Morgan, you see what happened with Perot in '92. I consider myself a Conservative first but vote for the candidate with the same ideals and more often than not it's a Republican. That's not to say we don't have moderate (liberal) Republicans.
Up here in NY we have plenty so, it's important to pay close attention to the candidate's record. The Liberals (Democrats) always stick together and usually beat a fractured opposition.
D.C. Said it all the Republicrats, or is that the Demicans, aren't going to let King William the first go down (Sorry) as long as they can stop it.
What we need is a Constutionalist Party, the Libritarians are very close, but they don't think there should be any federal drug laws. That turns alot of Conservatives off. We need some of the good laws on Drugs (like interstate trafficing) but possession and sale of in state drugs should be left to the respective states to deal with as they choose.
Bill doesn't want that. The DEA would have time to go after some of his major contributors.

And HS, you are out of luck, the Constitution requires that the President be native Born.

[This message has been edited by Raymond VanDerLinden (edited 01-27-99).]
Drugs? Most stupid thing you can do with your body and none. However, most of calamities pointed to justify continued criminalization come from criminalization.

When a person comes in a 2AM into a treatment center and gives a history of ten years daily use of heroin and cocaine they are checked about once an hour. If the same person relates a ten year history of a pint of alcohol daily they are checked every fifteen minutes.

Since the end of Prohibition have there been any reported violence between liquor distributors? Wonder why not.

Most of the drug related deaths reported as overdoses are not overdoses at all. They are deaths precipitated by the crap the drug is adulterated with. This would cease if drugs were legal.

Burglaries and muggings to obtain drug money?
The price of drugs would plummet if not artificially supported by criminalization. The BG's might still burgle and mug but they would only need about 5% of what they need now.

The federal and state governments would lose their "War on Drugs" weapon to assault the freedoms of us all. They might lose the power to unconstitutionally seize anyone's property.

The last is the real reason. The same Congress that passed the 1934 National Firearms Act, also passed the law criminalizing marijuana. This Congress passed both laws for the same reason,i.e, to retain the power and manpower levels gained during Prohibition and threatened by Repeal.

The drug hysteria has been found to be a very effective weapon against the freedom of us all.
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...

If drugs make you happy why shouldn't they be legalized. The govt could probably solve most of its money problems by legalizing drugs and then taxing them. Isn't marijuana Americas largest cash crop. I know it used to be in the late 80's.

But then the govt would lose the power they so dearly hold.

A new party is needed, I'm all for a party made up of common people and not lawyers, educators and bureaucrats. For the people, from the people. Less government, less taxes, more personal responsiblity.

Maybe one day soon people will open up there eyes and hearts and see things the way they really are and they way they could be.
Re: the Libertarian votes 'stolen' from Republicans - each of us will make our own, best choice. Each of us can respect the others difficult voting choice as well.

For myself, I decided that the usual course of choosing the 'lesser of two evils' was accomplishing only one thing - only slightly slowing down the evil! I watched my 'conservative' Republican Senators and Representatives vote in favor of the so-called 'assault weapon' ban, in favor of the FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act), the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), and on and on. All, generally, well-intentioned laws. But, from my perspective, not the honest province of government.

So, I'll choose to 'waste' my vote by voting my conscience. By swelling the numbers of voters rejecting both major parties. And, if I help a jerk like Clinton get elected, then I tend to think it simply makes it clearer, more quickly, that too much of our government is morally bankrupt, embraces violent force against citizens, holds the Constitution in contempt, and is generally inept, out of touch, and no longer relevant.

And if the Republicans ever return to believing in freedom and 'the American way' ... well, they know where to reach people like me. ;)
Todays news is that Bill is out to wreak vengeance upon the House Managers and every Republican connected with the impeachment.
At the same time,Senorita El Reno has announced that she is investigating Ken Starr.
And to top it off our draft dodging coward has asserted that he does not need congressional approval to send 4000 more troopd wearing blue berets to Bosnia.
So it is well under way!

Better days to be,

Perhaps Bill's ego is so vast that he will finally, completely overstep any conceivable Constitutional authority. There would be a certain attraction to seeing this political divide brought to a head. Who knows? If he really flips out, perhaps he can be the first President to be impeached ... twice?! ;)