Clinton's plans after he is no longer Il Duce


Moderator Emeritus
Notice something? He still plans to be around other people's money....what a tapeworm!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Clinton Plans: Stay Busy, Make Money

By Charles Babington
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, December 22, 1999 ; A01

The fullest picture yet of President Clinton's plans after he leaves the White House has emerged in
recent days, suggesting a highly ambitious agenda that will have him shaping a new graduate
program at the University of Arkansas, establishing a public-sector fellowship program for top
executives and overseeing a busy public policy center.

After spending virtually all his working life in public office, sources familiar with the president's plans
said Clinton also intends to earn large sums of money by delivering speeches at up to $125,000 per
appearance and possibly by serving as a consultant to the investment banking industry. At least half
his time, sources say, will be spent in his home state of Arkansas--a place his wife may visit only
infrequently if she wins her U.S. Senate race in New York.

In public speeches and in private conversations with friends and associates, the president has begun
dribbling out details of his heretofore little-known ambitions. His post-White House plans have been
a source of intrigue and rumor for years, in part because Clinton, now 53, will rank among the
youngest ex-presidents ever.

The most ambitious component of his life after Washington will likely involve the "Clinton Center" in
Little Rock, a policy foundation he says will tackle some of the world's thorniest problems, such as
ending racial and ethnic hostilities.

Alongside the center will be a new graduate program in public policy affiliated with the University of
Arkansas that will bear Clinton's name and imprimatur. The program, like his new home and
presidential library, will be located in a 27-acre complex in downtown Little Rock being financed by
a $125 million fund-raising drive that's about to hit full speed.

Citing as a model Jimmy Carter--whose humanitarian efforts generally draw better reviews than did
his presidency--Clinton has outlined hopes that border on the grandiose.

"I want to bring here people from Northern Ireland and the Middle East and Bosnia and Kosovo . .
. to help to bridge the racial and other divides in our society and throughout the world," he said in a
recent speech.

But Clinton has told associates--and suggested in recent public remarks--that he won't always be
working for free. He has offered few public details, but said in a television interview last month with
Fox News: "I've got to make some money for my family and take care of them, and I want to do
what I can as quickly as I can to do that."

Associates say his ideas include not only business consulting and speechmaking, but also writing one
or more books. A presidential memoir is virtually certain, they say, and some predict he'll also
tackle big subjects such as international relations or ethnic divisions, a topic he often raises.

"I think he undoubtedly will do paid speeches, here and abroad," said a colleague familiar with the
president's thinking. "He probably can command fees between $80,000 and $125,000, depending
on the audience."

Ronald Reagan revealed a former president's potential earning power when he collected $2 million
for a handful of speeches in Japan shortly after leaving office in 1989. Clinton's financial picture
could brighten even more dramatically if his lawyers prevail in an expected bid for government
reimbursement of all or part of the $5 million he and his wife owe in legal fees, which stem from
various investigations during his presidency.

Friends say Clinton has cemented few firm plans, but they contend there's little chance he will tie
himself to any one time-consuming job, such as heading a corporation or university. They scoff at
suggestions such as one floated recently that Clinton might succeed Jack Valenti as head of the
Motion Picture Association of America.

Al From, who meets frequently with Clinton as president of the Democratic Leadership Council,
said a busy public policy center such as the one being planned in Little Rock will suit Clinton's
intended goals. "Clinton is a guy who always had the ability to combine the broad vision with the
operational detail."

Once he leaves office in January 2001, at age 54, Clinton says he plans to divide his time between
Little Rock, residing at an apartment or house that will be part of the presidential library and
"Clinton Center" complex, and New York state, where he and Hillary Rodham Clinton recently
bought a home. If Hillary Clinton wins her New York Senate race, she would presumably need to
divide most of her time between Washington and New York.

At the graduate program, called the Clinton School, about two dozen students a year will earn
master's degrees in public policy, following a wide-ranging curriculum that will include projects in
other states and nations. Clinton hasn't talked much about the details, but he and his wife helped
design the program, University of Arkansas officials say.

"I certainly hope he'll spend some time there, teach classes there," said Skip Rutherford, a long-time
friend who heads the effort to build and finance the library complex.

Clinton gave the greatest public insight thus far to his future plans in a Dec. 10 speech in Little Rock.
He said he wants to spend his life grappling with "big questions," such as, "How do you create good
jobs and a clean environment? How do you leave behind the ethnic and religious hatreds" seen in
U.S. hate crimes and African "tribal slaughters?"

"We could, in this state, in this place, become a beacon of hope for those kinds of people," he said.
"We could train people in societies where these problems exist to get rid of them."

To finance such ambitions, Clinton is asking supporters to help raise the needed $125 million. The
money would build at least three major structures--the library and museum, the policy center and
the graduate school--and establish an endowment to finance operating costs for years to come,
Rutherford said.

Another Clinton plan that has received little notice is the fellowship program he's modeling after one
at the White House, in which a handful of executives--usually in their twenties or thirties--from
various corporations spend a year working in the White House or for a Cabinet secretary. In the
recent Little Rock speech, Clinton said: "I want to develop partnerships with corporations all across
America to bring their young executives here [to Little Rock] to be in public service" without
harming their climb up the corporate ladder."

"If every company of any size would establish a policy that every year, one or two or three people"
would take a year to serve in local, state or federal government, he said, "and then come back to
the company to continue that career, we could change the nature of government, the quality of the
ideas, the quality of the work."

Former presidents have taken widely different approaches to retirement. Gerald R. Ford largely
relaxes and plays golf; Carter has written several books and poured himself into diplomatic missions
and charities such as Habitat for Humanity. While Clinton is almost certain to indulge in golf, he cites
Carter as his chief role model.

In a Dec. 11 interview with CBS Radio, Clinton said: "I really admire what Jimmy Carter's done
with his life . . . He has lived a life of service. And he has recognized that it is an incredible gift to
have the chance to be president, and that when you have this gift for four or eight years . . . you
can't just walk away from it and not at least make yourself available."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
So if I read that first paragraph correctly Klinton is going to run a high dollar whorehouse for executives using grad students. Has he talked to Heidi Flos (?) about this yet? :)
As for banking investments, he has never had any money to call his own to invest. Would you want your portfolio run by someone who's had the securities industry investigating them for improppriorities and misuse of funds?
Up to 125 grand a speech?! I never knew being a liar, an inveterate adulterer, a coward, and a poor excuse for a man (he's actually a man only in the biological sense), could be so profitable.

The fact that a puke like him can make that kind of money speaks volumes about the complete moral bankruptcy of liberals. If the (liberal) women's movement has any integrity, it will protest any and all of his appearances. But we all know we won't see that.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Clinton says he plans to divide his time
Little Rock, residing at an apartment or house that will be part of the presidential library
"Clinton Center" complex[/quote]

so whose money is going to build Clinton's new castle?

The U of A used to be such a great school too. His name on a campus building has all of the visual appeal of graffiti on the Washington Monument. Hey, I already work 5.5 months each year full-time for government and it ain't getting any better. He'll rake in at least 3-4 mil per annum on the speech trail. He has already set the record for presidential travel costs. His international jet set nature won't change as long as it is on someone elses dime. I hope someone in congress calls for a cap on potential security expenditures before we get the bill. When he shows up to lecture those "tribal slaughterers" in Africa, his personal security forces should only be issued machettes.
"Clinton has outlined hopes that border on the grandiose".

Yea, kind of like his Presidency.

He should just crawl back under the rock he crawled out from and take the Carpet Bagger with him.

Happy Holidays and Happy Shooting :)

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.
ok, i couldn't resist....

Is there any way could we get him assigned as embassador to er, um, Columbia?? (and no secret service escort???)

Wow, what a Christmas present that would be.

I also noticed the quiet mention of the free bedroom, er, housing for his billness... I just wish it weren't true.

Although if he truly used Carter as his role model and worked with habitat for humanity I think in 20 years I might start to soften up on him. (I said might...)

Merry Christmas,
I not that here and elsewhere, irresponsible and lying people have recklessly compared William Jefferson Clinton to Adolf Hitler. These comparisons are false.

Hitler had a mustache.

Hmmm. Lessee now. ...after he's no longer Il Duce.

Well, maybe he and Hillary will just hang around. Il Duce and his "lady" did. ;)
"Serve as an advisor to the investment banking industry?" Huh. Hillary is the one that is a genius at trading the futures market.

Does this have something to do with a payoffs by the investment banking industry for the Mexico and Russian bailouts? Hmmm.

I always had thought that Clinton has dreams of being appointed head of the UN.