clinton's manipulation...


New member
Im past the point of being amazed at this guy, but ya'll realize this anti gun movement thats steam rolling us is taking Clintons espionage off of the front seems like every time this guy is close to being shown for what he is, there is a crisis or a tragedy to take him and his actions off of the front page......I cant for the life of me understand why our media isnt tearing this espionage with china all over the front page...My job in the Navy was in the Naval Security Group, and that in itself is not that big a deal but the clearances I had to have these folks couldnt get...yet there running the country. When I got out of the Navy I went to micronesia and worked for uncle sugar, do something similar to what I had done in the Navy.....and even though the Chinese have this info now, Ill only speak in generalitys--we copied the telemetry of icbm's coming from the states to this missile range in micronesia......we used to be able to sit on the ocean side of the island and watch the night sky for a boom and a blast of light and watch the light from the multiple warheads go to there targets...its incredible, especially the accuracy. Before anyone thinks I just gave something up--this was 20+ years ago and russians had trawlers sitting off of our island taking there own info....brand x we called em., I just cant believe they dont understand the importance of that action by Clinton........tks for letting me vent.....fubsy.