Clinton's "full court press"


New member
According to Joe Lockhart, White House Spokesperson, there will be, in the next congress, "a full court press" for gun control, including legislation, executive orders and regulatory activity, which seems to be spelled LAW BY BUREAUCRATIC DECREE.

Re all this, one wonders as to what level of flack The Congress will experience, from their constituents, many of whom are opposed to "gun control", for it is The Congress and not The white House that enacts legislation. It is also The Congress that has something to say, if it chooses to speak, regarding executive orders and "legislation by bureaucratic decree", perhaps spelled "regulatroy activity".

The next session of the Congress is likely to prove "interesting", to say the very least. How "interesting" it gets will likely depend on the level of public participation, and or public input, especially since there is also an election next November.
Yeah, and if you're tempted to dismiss this, take a look at the "Safe Neighborhoods Act" fiasco still going on here in Illinois. Basically the governor's pet law, which made illegal transport of a gun a felony in a state with no CCW, was struck down as unconstitutional. His bright-boy solution was to get in a pissing match with Pate Phillips, who leads the Senate here, and call special sessions of the legislature to get it re-passed. When they refused, he simply held them there. When they threatened to go home, he threatened to have the representatives arrested. The House finally passed his law, but the Senate still has not and Ryan has made it clear that no compromise is acceptable--it's his bill, or they don't get to go home. He finally backed down but it doesn't look good.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron

If an individual is being held against their will, as clearly as described above, then all they had to do is call the FBI, and notify them that they're being held hostage.
It would seem clear that the legislaters were being forced to vote under duress. That is a crime, and should be pursued by the US Attorney General's Office (felony against elected officials). And the guilty party prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

That my friends, is what tyranny is all about.

And again, why is the governor so afraid of law-abiding citizens that he is willing to committ felonies.

Best Regards,
I wonder as to exactly where the powers that be in Il. manage to find the characters they put up for the governors office.

As to the governors threatening to "arrest state representatives", how come that bunch of numbnuts didn't simply call his bluf, as with simply getting up, and walking out? Threatening to do something is one thing, actually doing it is another.

As you all may have heard, at one time or another, some folks, seeking an excuse for avoiding their civic duty, voting, claim that "my vote doesn't count anyhow". Funny thing about that, things counting or not counting, is that in the last election, the U.S. Senate race in Nevada was decieded by 400 votes.
And I thought that our "Stalin" impersonator by the name of Gay Davis (Ca. Govenor) is bad. I guess Ill. has one to. When will the sheeple of America wake up????????????