Clintons exit plan

Tom B

New member
People who remember when Nixon was forced from office may not be aware that many factions of the military were put on "alert" to be prepared if Nixon tried to use his Commander in Chief status to try to bring about a coup. I do not see Clinton walking away from the Whitehouse voluntarily in 2 years. Be prepared for some "National emergency" about that time. Also be prepared for a shock about how many support him, soccer moms,etc...
Tom: Where did you obtain the info ref military alert status during Nixon's last days in office? I'd be interested in reading it. Is it the product of scholarly research (a book, doctorial thesis, etc) or available via the FOIA?

[This message has been edited by Mike Spight (edited March 26, 1999).]
At the close of the Nixon administration, the military was not actually "put on alert". However, an order from the JCS "reminded" military commanders to obey only those orders passed through command and control channels, i.e., the chain of command.

In regard to the Clinton Kosovo/Bosnia exit plan, I have obtained a copy. Here it is:

[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited March 26, 1999).]
As I said once before, someplace, the economy goes to hell, there is social/political unrest in the US because of the bodybags coming home from the Balkans, the Y2K problem is worse than they thought (or made to look worse), the mainland Chinese kick up their heels, and the Serbs (or someone) decide to do some terrorism in the US in retaliation, Clinton suspends the Constitution and names himself dictator, "Until these current problems are resolved." FEMA and the FedGoons are turned loose with the assistance of various Governors, State Police Departments and Statistis of all political stripes.

We have too many people here that would go along with it just because they then would feel safe and protected.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited April 01, 1999).]
Watch whatcha say 'bout soccer moms. ;) My sister has all my nephews in soccer teams. :( My brother and I try taking them to the range or hunting (which they love) and she feels their absence lets the team down. Hellulva way to raise kids nowadays, ain't it?
Gary -

So when TSHTF, will your sister want the kids to kick soccer balls at the goons, or something with a little more kinetic energy? :)

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
(The sword does not kill; it is a tool in the hands of the killer.)
--Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
It's not that bad but let me digress...

When I was a kid, shooting was the only sport we enjoyed as a family. My pop could watch football, and neither my brother nor I cared. Our mother could watch gymnastics, and we'd go back to the loading bench. But when it came to going to the range, we all went - including my sister.

When I got into law enforcement, I had never practiced DA shooting with a revolver. While I was good at single action, DA was a different matter. So, practice being required, I borrowed my sister's Python. After several months, I became good enough and had no problem passing the firearms portion of the academy or qualifying with my department.

That Python is still in my sister's possession and she hasn't forgotten how to shoot it. At her insistence, I became a Boy Scout Merit Badge Counselor for rifle shooting and my nephews visit the range with me. Right now, they're enrolled in the Hunter Safety Program offered by our local gun club. When TSHTF, they'll man the parapets or stand by to repel all boarders.
The paranoid daydream I've been toying with lately - File under: "SOB's capable of anything..." Is this: We get involved deeply in Middle Europe. Russia and US go nose to nose. China gives LA and SF instant urban renewal, or threatens to, unless US surrenders. The turd from Arkansas immediately negotiates a deal. Total surrender, if he gets to stay on as head of state... Nah, couldn't happen?! Comments...?

Shoot carefully, swifter...
swifter, my theory goes like this:
Billy keeps us embroiled in Europe (as a favor to his masters, the PRC), using up as much ordinance as possible. The PRC, in the meantime, are channeling arms through Russia into Serbia to test out how well our "secrets" work. Once they're satisfied that the weapons work, they trundle into Taiwan and the Spratly Islands, while the rest of the world is focused on Kosovo. The US has no arms to shield Taiwan with, and Billy starts a "negotiating process" with the PRC until he's done in office, dropping the whole clusterpuck in his predecessor's lap, or the whole Y2K/Serbian conflict/economic collapse (when his smoke and mirrors Clintonomics takes a header) causes a FEMA/"jackbooted thug"/martial law response and he becomes, basically, King Klinton.
I know it's a little rough around the edges, as far as conspiracy theories go, but many of the same basic themes that I'm hearing keep popping up.

Don LeHue

The surest sign of poor craftsmanship is wrinkles in the duct tape.
Yesterday our Chief of Police stopped by the shop to have his car serviced. While he was there I talked to him about Y2K, possible Martial law, Federal take over and house to house searches. Then I asked him flat out if he and his department would play along. His reply: "No, that would be against the Constitution."
I've said before that Clinton and company come issue all the orders they want. Getting the troops in the field to obey these illegal orders is another thing. I think "Slick" is in for a surprise.
The scenario ( and so far its just that, a scenario) that I've been pondering for the past week goes something like this :
At the end of the year we are still embroiled in Kosovo, with most of our administativly butchered armed forces overseas. Y2K would be deemed a disaster by the Klinton Administration( they would, of course, make us believe it was so much worse than it actually was) And declare martial law " Until peace and stability can be restored to our streets" or some other such drivel. The entire national guard would be called out. With the majority of those with the big guns that might oppose him overseas (ie; the majority of the military) that would just leave us gun owners and some LEO's to oppose him. With his greatly expanded armed federal police force ( if you didnt know he's been arming practically everyone in government service for the past couple of years) And with lightning strikes by certain members of the armed forces not deployed ( Delta and the Nightstalkers) in key areas and we're effectivrly subdued. He doesnt have to have a hummer on every corner to control the majority of sheep in this country, just the fear of the black helo's comin to get them. Of course the people taken by the "men in black" were terroist sympathizers or something like that. Couple that fear with his uncanny way of swaying stupid people who dont have the will to figure things out for themselves( an ever growing sector of our population, if you ask me) and WALAHH! Billy boy's perfect socialist utopia. Do I think any of this will happen? Not really. But I'm getting ready just in case...... :) 01paw