Paul Revere

New member
For those of you who read Soldier of Fortune magazine each month, you will read in the August 1999 issue a telling editorial by publisher Robert K. Brown about how Bill Clinton has demilitarized our military might.

Brown explains, "...The fact remains that President Clinton has been more successful in destroying the U.S. military than any Russian general could ever hope.

Since he took office, Clinton has reduced the active duty rolls by 709,000 soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. Our reserve forces have been eroded by 293,000 troops. The U.S. Army has lost eight standing divisions.

Our fixed wing assets have been reduced by 20 Air Force and Navy wings, for a total loss of 2,000 combat aircraft and 232 strategic bombers. Our strategic forces have fared no better. Thirteen strategic ballastic-missile submarines with 3,114 nuclear warheads on 232 missiles; and 500 ICBM's with 1,950 warheads have become casualties in the Clinton war on the military. Our naval fleets have lost four aircraft carriers, 121 surface combat ships and submarines, in addition to their support bases, shipyards and logistical assets needed to keep them sailing.

All told, the U.S. military might he has cast into the dust bin of history represents a world class army in itself...."

One would think that draining a great Nation of its military capability and its means of National defense alone should be an impeachable offense. But this is Clinton's promise to the deliver NATO or a World Police Force to handle any National or Global conflict. Therefore, he must make our U.S. military impotent and henceforth justify its inclusion in the World Army, and he is succeeding.

Think about our limited military resources entrenched in far off foreign "peace keeping missions", with even slimmer resources at home to protect our National borders. No wonder why there's been so much talk about sightings of UN military vehicles in the U.S. No wonder why Clinton sold our nuclear weapon technology to the Red Chinese. No wonder why Clinton and the liberal left wing democrats are so impatient about disarming American citizens.

And they said it couldn't happen here.
Gee, all that and we can still fight all over the world. What great leadership.

BTW, has anyone heard about the mountain in N.C. that you can't go on? It seems there are UN / No Trespassing signs at the bottom. I saw some pictures of a friend of mine standing next to one not too long ago...