Clinton Socialism

mr rockwell is correct, we need a lot less government "help". we need alot less government , period.
I really beginning to think that the only hope for this country is a third Party, like the Reform party or the Libritarian Party.

The Repub's and Demo's are so locked up bickering at each other that nothing of any value, or sense, gets done. Maybe the next "Revolution" will consist of the emmergence of this third party...

"There was a bit of magic in Clinton's trip," quoth the WSJ toadie.

Well, yes... stage magic, which depends upon sleight-of-hand and misdirection.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
CMOS, Forget about the "Reform" Party. Last I heard, they were talking about nominating Connecticut ex-Governor Lowell Weiker to run for President. He is absolutely no friend of gunowners and gave CT it's first income tax. I believe he was a Republican/Liberal.(Ugh)
Contender, yeah, but he was good for the economy... god I'm tired of hearing that...

As an ex-resident of CT, he would not be any friend to us or anyone wanting smaller government.


If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
You guys are probably going to laugh at this but, I think he is a closet Liberal that has no problem with government running peoples lives. When I watched him on Tim Russert and he stated he had no problem with a seven day wait to buy a handgun, it made me uneasy.He also stated that we should be consistant with age limitations on gun purchases. I also think that the Reform party is just about changing the way government does things not neccessarily reducing it's size or presence in our lives.
Don't get me wrong, Ventura comes across as a very charismatic, intelligent man that speaks plainly. I would just have to know more about his positions.
Perhaps, someone from Minnesota on this board could enlighten us.
Regarding Ventura -- when he won, I was elated, if for no other reason than that the two established party hacks got beat. Check out his website though, promo, promo, promo, just like he still was in wrestling. He may have had some promise, but his website reads
like Madison Avenue -- they even have dolls of the guy, for Chrissake! Check it out --
Being from MN I will try to enlighten you about Jesse.
Jesse states he is a social liberal and a fiscal conservative, which to my thinking is a impossibility, but that is what he calls himself.
I have a feeling that Jesse is in love with Jesse. If you have ever seen him come out on one of the talk shows watch his head bob and the smirk on his face. He is eating this attention up.
The biggest disappointment in Jesse was his lack of support for CCW legislation here even though that was one of his campaign platforms during the Governors race.
I have to say it is nice to see how the Rep & Dems squirm when they have to deal with him, but I frankly don’t trust him.
I hope this is what you were looking for.
This is my take on Jesse:

He is unschooled and untested. He got pissed and ran for office and won. Right now he, by his mere existence, is monkeywrenching; which I personally like...I'd rather have more semi-idealists of either side in power than most of the schooled and experienced politicos. He is in the way of the machine, and ya may not get all ya want, he may not be the messiah, but right now he is a big obstacle to those that want to own you. I don't need to trust him...he is in the way of those I know I distrust.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Well, I have claimed to be a social liberal and a fiscal conservative since about the mid-70s, and I think I can explain so that you at least don't consider it an impossibility and it even might make you like him better!

As a social liberal, I hold a LOT of the liberals' pet beliefs. A quick explanation is that I support the BoR, although somehow your average liberal only manages to support 9 of 10. I believe government should stay out of the religion business, the accused should have rights, children are important, a black man has the same rights and abilities and freedoms and protections as a white man, you name it.

As a fiscal conservative, I think gubt should tax less, spend less, and use deficit budgeting solely to stimulate the economy, which would normally be accomplished by cutting taxes during recessions and raising them during booms, a function relegated to Alan Greenspan and interest rates now because he's the only one with the stones to do the job without fear of the ballot box. I believe throwing money at problems doesn't solve them, freedom does. So my solutions to problems normally do not include spending billions on them.

Maybe the confusion comes from not being able to distinguish anymore between the actions/wants/proposals from liberals and conservatives except in the areas of religion and gun control.