Clinton seeks Fed. reimbursement for legal debts


Moderator Emeritus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1999 21:50:12 ET XXXXX


According to an early look at Saturday's WASHINGTON POST, the Office of
the Independent Counsel has said that their long awaited final reports on
the myriad Clinton scandals are not soon in the coming.

Deputy independent counsel Edward J. Page tells the POST'S Charles

"No final reports are imminent. They are works in progress."

Page's comments come in response to the POST'S sneak that the Clintons are
seeking to have the government reimburse $5 million in personal legal fees
they still owe for the Monica Lewinsky and Whitewater investigations.

The $5 million sum is down from $10 million because of private donations
made to Clinton's legal defense fund.

Among the many things the Clintons must prove to be reimbursed is that
they would have not been pursued by a regular prosecutor.

Writes Babington:

"Anticipating the Clintons' application for reimbursement, the independent
counsel's office has been examining court rulings that could help it block
or limit the effort."

One critic of the president, Rep. Bob Barr, tells the paper that such a
reimbursement would be "very improper, but the chutzpah of this
administration knows no bounds."

"It doesn't surprise me at all, but I do intend to look into this and do
everything I can to ensure the president doesn't get away with this."

Developing... [/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Yeah, I wuz sittin' in the can taking my morning 'constitutional' when I heard that on the radio. Needless to say, it had a powerful laxitive effect. Those people are without shame. While I would hope that the sheople would see them for the sleazebags they are, I fear that this just further makes Hillary a victim and may help her campign. Gross though, eh?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1999 16:55:44 ET XXXXX


White House officials on Saturday were busy trying to convince TV networks
not to run stories building on a report in the WASHINGTON POST that
claimed President Clinton is considering asking the government to
reimburse him for the millions of dollars he spent on legal fees in the
Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky probes.

"The story is false," White House press secretary Joe Lockhart told CBS
NEWS, which pulled a story that was set for air on Saturday's Evening

According to network sources, White House officials lobbied hard with news
producers to thwart the story.

POST reporter Charles Babington in Saturday editions first revealed how
"Clinton is strongly considering making a request for government
reimbursement of several million dollars in legal expenses... If
successful, Clinton and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton could eliminate
most or all of their $5 million in unpaid legal bills."[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Sounds like his Billness backpedaled on that one with his hand caught in the proverbial cookie jar.

Since he incurred those debts as a private citizen (not related to his duties as the executive), he should pay as a private citizen. Bye bye expensive house in NY. The Hill-Billerly team can always get a warm grate in NY or a free meal in San Francisco. Better yet, back to the farm with them.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Klinton deserves to have to pay those bills
as a punishment for his evil wrong doing.

In my opinion , when he was impeached
they should have removed him from office
and canceled his pension.

As it is , the taxpayers will be giving Klinton half his presidential salery till
the day God calls him to task for his evilness and consignes him into the
eternal care of Satin.

Then again, there are those who suspect
Klinton of being the anti Christ and so
for his Billness, it could be a case of going back home to rule Hell.
this was nothing more than a clinton trial balloon and he learned the hard way I still don't doubt the fed will pay for it but it wont be made public until after it is done.
Look how the story is changing! A day ago Lockhart said it was a lie, a false see what he says:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Monday December 20 1:18 PM ET

Clinton Hasn't Ruled Out Public Paying His Fees

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House did not rule out on
Monday that President Clinton will try to get American taxpayers to
pay his $5 million in unpaid legal fees stemming from the Monica
Lewinsky and Whitewater scandals.

White House spokesman Joe Lockhart said Clinton had made no
decision on whether to seek reimbursement from the government for
legal fees incurred by lawyers who represented him and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Lockhart said it was ``premature'' to answer the question because independent counsel Robert
Ray, who took over after the resignation of Kenneth Starr, had yet to wrap up his work.

Is Clinton considering asking for reimbursement?

``I don't know,'' said Lockhart. ``You know, there are a lot of decisions he's got to make right
now, and decisions that are down the road he'll make when he gets down the road.''

A request for taxpayer reimbursement of his legal fees would likely generate a firestorm of
controversy. A lawyer in the independent counsel's office was quoted by the Washington Post on
Saturday as saying the office was preparing to challenge such a move.

Lockhart had a response to that report.

``I will leave it to you all to try to figure out why the independent counsel now is spending time
preparing objections to something that hasn't been raised. You know, there's an element of
mischief here. But they can describe for themselves why they get up to mischief and the reasons,''
he said.

While both former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush were reimbursed for legal fees
stemming from the Iran-Contra investigation, other targets of independent counsel probes have
not met legal requirements for reimbursement. Those include showing that the cases would not
have been pursued by a regular prosecutor.

Clinton has portrayed himself as a victim in both the investigation into the sex-and-lies scandal
involving Lewinsky and the Whitewater land investment controversy.

The Lewinsky investigation led to his impeachment by the House of Representatives on perjury
and obstruction of justice charges a year ago. He was subsequently acquitted by the Senate on
Feb. 12.

Clinton's legal expense trust reported in August that it had paid about $5 million in legal bills but
said donations have dwindled since the impeachment battle ended. That left him with the strong
possibility of leaving office in 13 months deep in debt.

Taxpayer payment of the president's outstanding fees would add to the $47 million the public has
paid thus far for the independent counsel's five-year investigation.

During a televised debate on Sunday with Democratic presidential candidate Bill Bradley (news -
web sites), Vice President Al Gore (news - web sites) said the Clintons had a right to make a
payment request.

``Under the law they have the right to do it,'' he said. ''Would I do it in that position? No, I would

Bradley said it would be wrong.

``While I don't think that what the president did reached the level of impeachment ... any time the
president lies to the people, he squanders the people's trust and undermines his own authority,''
Bradley said. ``I don't think the taxpayers should pay for the consequences of that act.''


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!