Clinton says NATO is ready to fight repression rest of world


Moderator Emeritus

Oh joy! Ain't we got fun?

SKOPJE, June 22 (AFP) - Praising NATO for its campaign in Kosovo, US
President Bill Clinton said Tuesday that the alliance could intervene
elsewhere in Europe or in Africa to fight repression.

"In Africa or central Europe, we will not allow, only because of
differences in ethnic background or religion or racism, people to be
attacked. We will stop that," Clinton told US troops gathered at the
Skopje airport.

"We can do it now. We can do it tomorrow, if it is necessary, somewhere
else," he said.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Give 'em hell,O mighty and fearless commander in chief!

He had his chance to be a warrior in 1968.

Better days to be,

From: Ivan8883 6-23-99 550PM EDT Nato's new constitution says it can go anywhere in the world. Do you think Big Comrade would stop at Africa Europe, or Timbucktoo? No the Nazi terrorist boys could be coming to a neighbor hood near you or me some day. Just remember those people slaughtered at Waco and put it on a much bigger scale here again in America. NOw the Globalist have officialy a powerful military machine and if it doesnt worry the people: then woe to them Ivan
A comment in an article in this morning's WND says that we're three to four years away from being back up to strength in Cruise Missiles and Smart Bombs.

Supposedly, per an Indian newspaper, we're getting set to attack Ben Laden's guerilla camps in Afghanistan.

There are some evil messes going on in the Sudan, Eritrea, and Pakistan-India are on the verge of another war--and they both have nukes.

Gee, are we gonna bomb the Turks for their human rights violations against the Kurds?

And so it goes.

Clinton talks a glib line of crap, but his alligator mouth keeps overloading his canary butt. He's promising deeds that cannot happen--once again.

Oh great, GLOBOCOP! Just what the world needs. :(

Interesting that you should compare "Slick" to an alligator. You know about gators don't you? All mouth and no ears!
Judging from the recruiting shortfalls and shortages in the active and reserve forces, it's already happening.

Bruce Stanton
He wants a damn liberal utopia, but it just aint gonna happen. Many point out correctly that NATO sat back and did nothing to interfere with the atrocities in
-Russian republic (can't think of name right now; Chechzna?)

So, I guess he really means he's gonna fight repression where he can fight a war with zero casualties, such that it makes good politics for him.
From Ivan 88836-25-99 1045PM Edt I dont think Big Comrade and Globalist who are running our military right now care if they cant get enough Americans to join the military. They have plenty of foreign troops to draw on and I hear,cant confirm it ,that there is discussion of a American Foreign Legion made up of foreigners like in France. What do you think the Foundrs would think if they saw our military today running ruffshod around the world,violating international law every chance it can,and generally acting like the Brits who the Founders had to fight to get our freedom ? It is truly the world turned upside down today when the evil empire is us and the world fears and detest what we aredoing. Unbelievable! Ivan