Clinton moves to restrict gun shows


New member
i saw it in the paper this morning." Clinton set in motion a tighting of the Brady law aimed at stopping 5,000 gun shows around the nation from becoming illegal arms bazaars for criminals and gunrunners". there he goes again, one more step!!!!!!!

That is such a hoot. Clinton or who ever the intern was that came up with the idea - never went to a gun show... If they had, say a show in VA... they would have seen each gun dealer there with a cell phone, and many with portable fax machines and other comunication devices to run VA's required instant check program. Not only that - but all the LEOs in attendance on and off duty... all the Federal Agents there on and off duty, and the ATF's snooping at all the above. Heck - gun shows are not just the most above board - but the SAFEST places in the USA!
Running from some one? - go to the gun show! :)

Seriously... Gun shows are so OPOSITE from what they are portraid at being. They are trying to create a media feeding frenzy, and pass emotional / fear feeding legislation. I would like to see them bring NBC into a Richmond VA gunshow and find something dirty. OOooh - this table sells SWORDS! Oh, what a sec - they are as dull as a tennis ball... Oooooh, look, a whole table of handguns... What? oh, fill out those forms? oh, nevermind... Special exotic ammunition - oh, wait - those are flares... what would really turn them red would be the Custom Home Made HOT Sauces that you can sample... Just imagine Dan Rather with a mouth ful of Dave's Insanity Sauce! Poetic Justice... :)
Charles Schumer was talking about gunshows this morning on "Meet The Press". As you guys pointed out, those people have obviously never attended a gun show.

According to Schumer, not only do gun shows not adhere to gun purchase laws, but they are warehouses for gunrunners: an evil gunrunner goes to a gunshow and buys a ton of "Saturday Night Specials", puts them in his car trunk, makes a bee-line to NYC and sells them to kids.
He and his HCI pals are using this argument to support keeping the 5 day wait restriction and to enact a "one gun a month" purchase restriction. Because, as he says "the legitimate law abiding gun owner doesn't mind". I find it so interesting that Schumer, et al apparently know me so well and how I believe.

Personally, I think that if the waiting period is kept, then Insta-check is merely a deceptive way to compile gun owner records.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
on in the article he did say "I have visited
and enjoyed them over the years.
They're often the first place parents teach their children how to handle firearms safely.
But at too many gun shows, a different trend is ermerging. Some of these gun shows have become illegal arms bazaars for criminals and gun traffickers to buy and sell guns on a cash and carry basis". now i've been to alot of gun shows here in the razorback state, and i've never seen him at any of them. but right now he's right if you buy from an individual
it is a cash and carry basis. nice ain't it :)
oh well here comes bigger brother :(

sorry about the double :o


[This message has been edited by longhair (edited 11-08-98).]
Are we surprised that these guys would lie and mislead?
If Clinton stays in office-and it appears certain that he will-he will spend the next untouchable two years punishing his enemies and rewarding his friends. Which category are you in????
And friends about all we can do is bitch about it.
Pretty soon THAT will be illegal as hate speech.
Am I an extremist because I think this way??
Hate thought will be next.

Better days to be,

Longhair, This is the same guy who said "I did not have sex with that woman...Miss Lewinski"! I think both statements have about the same truth content. Clinton has made a sport of telling gun owners that he is friendly to them while he passes anti gun legislation and surrounds himself with the most rabbidly anti gun cabinet members he can find.

Just once I wish these guys who go on air lying and playing on peoples emotions were told to put up or shut up!!!!!!!!! I saw a guy on a show the other day talking about gun control not being about the private citizens rights, but that they were trying to target criminals. He then went on to say that with $50 bucks you can go 3 blocks from his house and buy any gun you want. I have the $50 if this jerk wants to prove it. Of course if it is this obvious I wonder why he has not been successfull at helping the police to stop this gunrunning in his neighborhood. Lets charge him as an accomplice to illegal weapons smuggling and selling!


[This message has been edited by chris in mo (edited 11-09-98).]
I think we're all missing the underlying agenda here- how do you stop "private sales at gun shows" ? - by requiring "all" sales to go through an FFL, requiring the new FBI check. I don't think that this has anything at all to do with gunshows.
Motorep - Exactly. If this goes through, I won't be able to sell you my rifle, or give my dad a new pistol for his birthday, or anything like that - not without a background check, which will have to be done at an FFL. GOA is on top of it, and I sure hope the NRA gets into it, too. I get the feeling they're (our fine government) going to make me a criminal yet.
i know it! the whole thing makes me want to do something you can't talk about on here, or
anywhere else for that matter! :( :( :(

WE the pro gun majority have to organize and lobby. There is NO sense in having more than ONE pro gun organization, Think about it- How strong could we be?

Better days to be,

Ed, i would have to agree with you. as the old saying goes " UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL" and at this rate we're falling fast!!!!

I think the gun owners, and hunters of America had better wake up, get off their lazy "oh it won't happen to me" butts, and start supporting the NRA, and various other groups who fight to keep our rights as Americans to bare arms. Or else one day we will wake up, and it will be too late. In the past few years the number of hunters in America has dropped from 22 million, to 17 million. That is NOT a good thing. This combined with the small yet vocal animal activists groups, and various other little loud mouthy people, will be the end of gun ownership in the US. We already have a congress and president whom passes retroactive laws, which is ALREADY unconstitutional. Do you really think it will stop there?
Eh, yeah, guys, it's OBVIOUS that the bastiges haven't attended shows. Or maybe they have? It doesn't matter: their AGENDA is to do away with shows, FFLs and every damn gun in the hands of us "average citizens". And here's the other thing: we are bitching ONCE AGAIN about their seemingly INSANE logic, the medias' BIAS, etc, etc. BUT THEIR DAMN "LAWS" ARE STILL BEING PASSED. That's the bottom line. They do whatever they want, regardless of the truth, and regardless of so-called ProGun GOP congress-members. The GOP is always STRANGELY bumbling and stumbling. They always slice a teeny-tiny piece off of a proposed gun-law and then pass it, CLAIMING VICTORY. There is a jackass outfit that I know of. One of their employees was mouthing-off about the work-quality of a contractor of a certain racial background. The organization was sued for 5,000,000 dollars. Their crackerjack attorneys settled for $3,000,000 and CLAIMED VICTORY. Relating to us now, I just read about how gun-owners "win" because the $15 fee was removed from the damned extended-Brady background requirement for long-arms. Yay! Victory! Sorry for the long rant, guys. It's just that THEY are winning. And many of the gun-owners loudly protest, but then cower and endeavor to OBEY the latest laws, encouraging one-another to "check with the bATF" and advise people to carry concealed "if your State allows you to apply for a PERMIT". Heck, the bATF ADMITS that they are scanning into computer databases hundreds of thousands Form 4471s from out-of-business FFLs. Dealers driven out of business by the way, by increasing fees, legal hoops and outright intimidation. How about that dealer recently who "committed suicide" while being arrested in his shop? Just like Waco, friends: REMOTE INTIMIDATION. The message: Gather together with weapons or even sell weapons and your life is forefeit! Great Maker help our Nation.
Herr Glockner, you got it right. Their game is to get all the guns in the hands of the government, by hook or crook, just as long as it works. I had a small gun shop in FL before I was forced out by ATF tactics. When I added a small room to my house with a separate entrance for customers it was ok at first. Then afew years later when Klinton was elected it suddenly became a problem. ATF reported to the county zoning board that I was operating a business in a residential zoned area. They couldn't get me on that because I was grandfathered in, but the county wouldn't renew my business license due to ATF pressure. There were other small businesses all around me, but I was the only one bothered. I tried to move to a storefront in a strip shopping center, but the owner didn't want gun stores in his building. I decided it wasn't worth the hassle for the few bucks I was making, so I packed it in. I learned later that I was one of approx. 150,000 FFLs who were forced out by Klinton's boys in his first term. So now he's going after private sales, what will be next? My guess is a total ban on imports by exec. order, then sue the domestic makers out of business.
We the people,the REAL people have got to get a handle on this type of thing. I truly believe that we have to figure how to arouse the silent majority.
I think Ill call Jerry Falwell in on this.

Better days to be,

Well the only thing we can do it write our congress people, call our congress people and write somemore and then call the next day, set-up appointments, to talk with them etc. I'm a studnet at Santa Clara University and I have a class taught by Leon Panetta (cool guy even if he was Klintons Cheif of Staff for a little while) anyway, he said what when he was a member of congress, he came back eveyr weekend and had several hours set aside every weekend for constituents to come and talk to him (read complain). if enough people write and call, they will act. It is also important to get out and vote,(damn to late for that this year). A lot of people like to vote party line, I never understood that. I always vote issues. Partys don't care about you, they look for loyal people and popular agendas. also, if you don't vote you really have no right to complain cuz, your not participating in the one activity that they can't take away. If they cancelled elections, all hell would break loose, and a new revolution will started. I figure that starts in the midwest, cuz they seem to be the least influenced by the socialist propaganda of the media, and the HCI etc. Then it spread east and west. Eventually, there will be "revolutionary" at the whitehouse, martial law will be declare ... I digress. anyway, as I was saying, get involved in politics, bby at least voting, maybe even giving money the better candidate. running campaigns is expensive, Panetta showed us number its crazy, and a candidate can't with if people don't know his around. Ok thats my 5 cents worth. Sorry about the length
Hopefully you "ramble" this well at school and to other young people. Here you are preaching to the choir, as it were. You can influence the next generation directly. When they listen to us "old people"(I include myself here and I'm only 39) they tend to let most of what we say go in one ear and out the other. How well I remember that as I was one of those then (still am to a degree). I find that as I get older I'm apparently getting dumber because when I was younger I knew everything and the older I get the less I find that I know.