Clinton is disgusting @#$%^&!!!


New member
My ranting begins:
Bill Clinton, what has America ever done to deserve him?
I dont need an unethical, immoral scoundrel tell me what is right or wrong, even if he is the most powerful man in the world.
Yes good people, I will not be told by a liar, and one who cannot keep his pants zipped up, and I believe that you don't either.
But hey, I am not even a citizen, so why should I be concerned what happens to you?
I am, because this is the one country that truely symbolises freedom. It is THE symbol of Liberty & the President is the personification of that Liberty. The President is a positive role model not only to children and adults in America, but to the whole world. His office is one of pride and dignity and held in high esteem. And here we have an idiot who is clearly a liar, one who cheats on his wife with no shame whatsoever, and as bad as that is, he now wants our guns??
People tell me one thing, would you ever trust Bill Clinton with your daughters? & we let him lead us and make laws for us?
C'mon guys....
I dont know how we let that nincompoop get to the White House in the first place, and as if that were'nt bad enough, we elect him again.
A lot of Americans I spoke to, asked me how his lying or his infidelity affects his doing his job as the President.
I say, one has to be a real man first, and then a great man, to be a President. Clinton is not a great man, he is not even a real man. Real men dont cheat on their wives, they dont lie to people who trust them. Real men have integrity and honesty.
Clinton is no man, he is a disgrace, to his family, to America and the Presidency.
My ranting ends.
Anand....I feel your pain......But the scary thing is he was elected "By the People".
My question is , what kind of people??

We agree, but we are living in the past.

America “... is the one country that truely symbolises freedom. It is THE
symbol of Liberty.” Exactly! That’s why it must fall!

In their never-ending search for world domination, the Globalists must
“improve” America by reducing us to a lowest common denominator - the
global pattern proscribed by the United Nations. If you are under 30 years
of age, I believe you will see that happen. I won’t see it. I will be dead
(one way or another).

I am too angry right now to post more.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
I, and many others voted for Klinton. I really don't think many of us knew how bad he was, otherwise he would have never been voted in. He is a liar, a cheat, oh and so many other words I prefer not to type. ;)
Yeah don't bother to type them we have heard them before. Klinton is nothing but a scumbag, I wouldn't even admit he is the president. When I hear people talk about him or ask me about him I say,

That bastard is not my president!

Then they say well who is, So I tell them Charlton Heston!


General Dwight D. Eisenhower-- June 6,1944
The office, and the man occupying it, even if evil and morally corrupt, deserve our respect.
BUT, W.J. Clinton HAS to be the absolutely-most-reprehensible, dishonest, shallow, immoral, Constitution-devaluing, traitorous, dangerous President this country has yet known. I didn't vote for him, and the sooner he's out of office, the better for this country, unless of course we get somebody worse afterwards.
It is unfortunately entirely true that , for decades, we have been presented with ALWAYS having to choose the lesser of two evils at Presidential election time. We need another President of the calibre of T.Roosevelt! Too bad it's not likely to happen ever again. I must admit, like Dennis, that I'm afraid it's gonna be all downhill from here on. Of course, a resurgence of the concepts of Personal Responsibility and Integrity would turn things around, but it seems to require the experiences of privation, hardship and suffering, faith, and a broader view of existence to bring those attributes to the fore, even in those folks capable of them, and unfortunately, many people don't seem to have any higher interest or sense of purpose than in whatever feels good right now. Just the views of a longterm cynic.

"Potius sero quam nunquam."
Just to help popularize an idea from another thread. . .

Q. What's the name of Bill Clinton's post-White House domicile?

A. Disgraceland, of course!

BTW, I don't think it will be with Hillary in NY :) At least not for long, or not in reality.
The man's a liar & I shut him off whenever I see him on TV (or hear on radio) - which is about every friggin' thing that happens. It seems to be so bad with all his damned "it's dark now, but be calm, we're here for you & feel your pain" constant blathering.

Besides, if we can believe him in one thing - he's admitted that he's too stupid to even know how to smoke a joint.

(no drug endorsement here, BTW)
Respected TFLr's:

When I was a young boy, I look America full of promises and I dream to migrate in this great land. Freedom, Freedom, Freedom and unending Freedom, human rights is always championed by USA as being shouted every corner of the globe.

BUT.... now I am on my middle age and read many of your comments, my dream and expectation is the reverse now. It was only a dream and that remains always to be a dream. If how many Unscrupulous/corrupt immoral officials in my country it is the same as in your country base on my readings. My president is better if it comes to womanizing only it did not go global (BBC) as yours.
Blue, unfortunatly, the damage he has done to this country and our society will last for a long, long time after he has gone. Just think of all the Executive Orders and laws that he has been resposible for. How long, if ever, will it take for any future presidents and/or congress to rescind or change the EO's and laws? The answer is they will never be completly deleted. Some will stay with us until we are gone as a soverign nation and become part of the UN, which is what all the crap we have witnessed in the past eight years is really all about.
With Tim Russert this past weekend, Al Gore and Bill Bradley faced off again on national television. Al Gore, the cowardly suckup he is, once again categorized Bill Clinton as, "one of the greatest presidents of all time". Gore compared Clinton to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and FDR. But what he said next was the most truthful thing I think Gore has ever said...that "Bill Clinton will be remembered in history books for all the great things he's done for this Country".

Since the leftists have already begun their campaign to "re-write" history, we can expect the same leftist slant to everything Clinton has "done for this Country". Let's see, 1) he sold out to the Red Chinese in return for some silly little secrets about nuclear weapon delivery systems, 2) he attempted to give away a strategic naval base in Long Beach, California to COSCO (a mega transporation conglomerate owned by the Red Chinese Army), 3) violated the Constitution on hundreds of issues regarding nearly every one of enumerated Rights, and 4) ordered the assinations of dozens of individuals in and out of his administration in order to cover up treason, corruption, lying, and cheating (including Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, and presidential advisor Vince Foster). Oh yeah, that will be enough to remember Clinton for.
It sometimes makes me think that the founding fathers knew what they were doing when they created the Electoral college.

It just goes to show you that the sheeple believe what ever the media tells them (the ultimate success of the dumbing of America). I remember when George Bush said "I can't believe you are going to elect these clowns" (or something such) and the Media roosted him, boy where his word prophetic...
I remember friends from Arkansas telling me in 1991 that this guy was the crookedist politician ever and not to vote for him and I didn’t. Boy were they right!!

But look the Brits, Germans, and Israelis have all elected his clones so the problem isn’t isolated to the US. (way to go George C the ragin cagun)
Global gore says clinton and fdr are the same, yeah I go along with these two but no way in hell with Jefferson or Washington or any other decent president. FDR paved the way for the road we are on, good for nothing POS. Senator Sumners from texas held up the passage of NFA 1934 as he said it violated state rights, until Roosevelt had a little talk with him in the white house in april of that year. Yeah FDR, thanks, for the grand daddy of all federal gun control and later for the 68 GCA.

Dennis, yeah one way or another.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited December 20, 1999).]
One thing his Billness has done, he's lowered the standards such that all of us can aspire to the presidency.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Milehi: Soccer moms, and guys who think "He's cool cuz he scores constantly - I'd like to high-five him." Plus the real leftist liberals have nowhere to go, just as we usually have nowhere to go from the Repubs. Plus the unions donated almost exclusively to Dems. Plus the real power in this country, the AARP, bought into the Dems demogogue scare tactics alleging Repubs will destroy Soc Sec and Medicare, etc.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited December 21, 1999).]