Clinton Gun Control Plan Draws Criticism

It takes a sick man to use the slaying of young adults promote a political agenda.

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate
We've got one thing going for us; While the Republicans still don't want to admit that WE are a large part of why they won in '94, the Democrats in Congress still remember what voting for gun control did to their party, and are reluctant to fall on their swords for Clinton's favorite cause again.

Of course, the down side is that our "defenders" in Congress aren't too impressive. I saw Bob Barr last night, and when the anti-gunner he was on with angrilly announced that high capacity mags had no use except killing people, Barr didn't respond to that lie, just changed the subject. (Personally, I use MY 100rd magazines so I can plink longer without reloading.) Ever get the impression that almost all of our "allies" in Congress are agin us ideologically, and with us only because they need our votes? Which kind of hampers them in debates like these, because they don't actually understand WHY the other guy is wrong.