Clinton Freudian Slip?


New member
I was wawtching Headline News on the way to work this morning, and there was a spot on a gun control rally with celebs, etc.

I thought I heard this in a Clinton quote:

"We need to work harder to ban handguns... to limit handgun purchases to one a month..."

Can anyone confirm this? I can't find the story on the site anywhere, so I'm interested to see if I was hearing things or not :)
As I recall Rush aired this clip and discussed the "evils of gun control".
I'm glad he's on our side!!
He also said:

"It's not just crimes that are the problem," Clinton said.

Read between the lines a little here and remember the source. Gun control isn't about crime control (never was), its a CITIZEN CONTROL issue. Crime isn't the problem, as Clinton now admits, its a lifestyle and attitude and belief system that many gun owners embrace that's the problem. Can't have a New World Order if nobody will cooperate, especially if they're armed. Your ideas and mine are the problem, and the Socialists know that they have to be eradicated to attain complete power.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
Jack 99 has explained the situation perfectly. It's a question of the socialist ologarchy's desire to turn all citizens into subjects. Our fellow gun owners are really the last citizens left. Once they purge us, there will be no oposing ideology to bother them. Look at the people you encounter on a daily basis...virtualy sheep. Look at your fellow gun owners...Very simular to those men that backed up our Founding Fathers.
You are right Jack99, that's how the leadership thinks.

The problem is they have brainwashed a lot of sheople ( I like that word! i stole it from someone here)

Hmm. anyway, the have brainwashed a lot of sheople into thinking it's about crime control.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Ol' Slick Willie needs to clean up his own record before he starts denouncing criminal activity.

I'm in the middle of reading R. Emmett Tyrell's Boy Clinton. It is a scary read about our President's political history.

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.