Clinton found in contempt

Tom B

New member
Now that B Clinton has been found in contempt of court lets see what new "crisis" pops up. Let's watch!
Perhaps we have some Arkansas members who can confirm, but I have the impression Billy Jeff has plenty of honest folks in his home state that don't appreciate his behavior or politics. I think it is entirely possible that he will be disbarred.

'Course, his folks will says it's all politics. And later, he'll tell us how he is not ashamed of being disbarred because he 'did it for the children', or was 'doing the business of the people' or some other drivel ...

Couldn't happen to a better guy ... literally.
Well, this won't break him. Analyses by "experts" noted that the fine was only $1200...they speculated that the fine was low because the judge may be sending a signal to just take the slap on the wrist and not file a writ of appeal, if he does file, then it could get worse for him.

The good part is that here is one more official recognition that he is a liar.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I read the other day that a Naval Academy senior was expelled for doing with a freshman what basically Clinton did with Lewinsky in the White House. I realize that the analogy isn't perfect. But it does seem crazy that the nation's Commander-in-Chief is allowed a standard of conduct that does not befit a midshipman.
Oh, Jeff, "Couldn't happen to a better guy... literallly!" :D :D :D
ROTFLMAOPMP! (slap!) Thanks! I needed that!
What on earth took the federal judicial system so long to put in writing what we have known for years? Clinton is contemptible, despicable, a "sorry dude", a scurvy-ridden ****
HEY! Give me my thesaurus back!
Tee hee. How would you like to be Gore, knowing that when you run for President, you will have to cope with Wiley Willy's bad behavior. I do so love it. It will be fun to see how they try to discount all this immoral and criminal behavior.
If the Rebumlicans don't destroy the Dumbocrax this time, I may ask Randy Weaver if I can sub-lease his tool shed. (Hmm. I'll want outhouse privileges, of course.)
Can't help it guys. Had some chocolate cake with chocolate icing (my favorite) and I'm on a "sugar rush".
Okay. Are we all agreed now? We're all gonna vote Libertarian, right?
BTW, in Texas, if you vote in one party primary you can NOT vote in the other party's primary. That seems a bit violative of my right to vote for a good guy to represent "my" party and a "turkey" to represent the other party. (Well, that's the excuse given.)
Guess I'll have to cast votes for all my dead relatives again this time, too. It's a family tradition.
Long live "landslide" Lyndon! By the way, in the last Presidential election both Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy voted for Dole because they hated Clinton. :) (I saw to it.)
God bless Texas!
Tom B,
What comes next? Why the ground invasion of Yugoslavia, of course. Ain't nuthin' like a good war to bring us all together.
Yeah. Together at gravesights. To bury some good Americans. For no valid reason. (Bummer. So much for my sugar rush. Damn that man.)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited April 13, 1999).]
Gee, Dennis, you sound like you're one of us who found him contemptible in 1992...

Have some more sugar.

President's Day Clothing Sale! All Pants Half Off!

[This message has been edited by Art Eatman (edited April 13, 1999).]
I hate to say it boys, but unless something happens to the economy between now and election time we'll go from the Commander in Briefs to Captain Planet. Hell, 65% of the voting ignorant would support our "erected" President if he could run again and their wallets were full.

The voters have elected this moron twice and I haven't seen any brain implants being done so I have to prepare myself for the possibility that we could have to put up with nearly six more years of this s**t. The constitution and our previously inalienable rights will be memories in history books if these jerks and the idiots that elected them can't be stopped.

The majority of the voters have apparently become whores for a dollar and you all know what whores will do to you. And we probably won't even get kissed!
I thought I heard he was also ordered to pay Paula Jones legal fees, and the court costs. If so, that would add up to a tidy sum. Hillary would have to really get it into gear in the hog market or land deals to come up with the money. Unfortunatly, they would make a public plea for funds to help out poor picked on Bill. Sickening thought.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
Gee! A federal judge found slick Willie in comtempt. There goes her job down the tube. Actually, I have held Slick in contempt from the first time I heard of his running for the job of Prez. Those feelings have only grown, as he continued lying his way through office. let's see? Kosovo? must be to hide all the secrets he let China have. Right?
Paul B

Clinton will pay the fine, court costs and legal fees with a smile. After all, he won't be using his money. Far too many wealthy people and corporations owe him for past favors.

Personally, I've held "Slick" in contempt since he became governor of Arkansaw.
Two things:

1. Hell yes, I'll vote Libertarian. How anybody could trust the Republicrats is beyond me--either wing of the party. Do you really want Gore to run the U.S.? Liz Dole? Another Bush Republican? I don't think so, thanks.

2. The only thing that bothers me about the contempt decision is, why didn't this judge come forward with her decision during impeachment? Clinton used the fact that she threw the case out as a defense ("the fact that I was lying through my teeth was irrelevant, because the judge decided after hearing my dishonest testimony to throw out the case") and didn't say a thing, now she says the lie is worth a contempt charge? Something stinks. But then, something often does.
What comes next? Ground troops in Kosovo thats what! Think about it-Clinton Albright and whats his name Cohen? are running this war and none of them have any military experience at all.Its being run by the same type people that ran Vietnam. USA get ready for another "whipping." The Republicans are letting the minority Democrats outsmart them at every turn! They have no leadership. Trent Lott couldn't lead a Mississippi mule to a watering hole! If the economy stays good get ready for the "Ozone Man" next. After all he did invent the internet!
Gwinn: Are you surprised that she sat on this decision until it couldn't impact the impeachment? This is, after all, the same judge who originally threw out Paula Jones' civil suit because, in her opinion, you couldn't sue a sitting President. Then, when the Supreme court ruled 9-zip that, yes, you could, she found another reason to throw the case out. Achieving the exact same result using a rationale the Court wouldn't feel obliged to overturn... The only reason he got even a slap on the wrist was that he showed HER contempt!
Jeff, their are plenty of honest folks here in Arkansas, and there are more than plenty, that don't think much of ol' billy boy, and are glad that he was found guilty of contempt! most of them voted for him the first time just to get him the hell out of here.!!! :)

fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited April 16, 1999).]
Good point, Brett.

I still can't believe he has the gall to lecture me (every time he makes a speech he's lecturing the audience on their shortcomings as compared to good liberals, and they always applaud) about how sending me to die so we can postpone the next Serbovar/Kosoverb atrocities for a few years. He did it today on CNN. How dare he even mention morality to me? He should be required to look at the floor everytime someone else mentions morals.