"Clinton Clips" and stuff


New member
We have all seen those photographs of confiscated guns being crushed by bulldozers. It seems that this type of photo shows up regularly after another money for guns program or a commonwealth country bans another type of gun.

Anti gunners use these photos to further their warped agendas.

With the death of the clinton gun ban perhaps it is time we staged our own propaganda photo.

How you ask? By gathering as many "Clinton clips"*, thumbhole stocks, phony non folding folding stocks for AR's and other paraphernalia forced upon us by the late unlamented ban, and piling them in an appropriate area.

Then, insuring the press is present, crushing the offending junk with a dozer.


* "Clinton Clip" (SIC) A reduced capacity magazine formerly required by the Clinton "Assault Weapons Ban" that limited capacity to 10 rounds in firearms designed to accept magazines of more than ten rounds.
I fully endorse this plan. After the pile of klinton mags, bayonet-less front sights and fake flash hiders is squashed into a 10-ton cube of mangled gun parts we should ship it to feinstein's front door. (by COD or something so she pays :p )
Boofus - I love it. But how to start a collection of the parts?
In addition, a tax deduction for "loss of personal property" would be appropiate. heh heh
I just wonder how much $ were spent by lawful firearm owners to convert their legally owned firearms to "funny guns" to comply with the various fed (and state) laws. Now that would be interesting reading.