Clinton claims FBI is after him


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>CLINTON DOUBTS FBI'S MOTIVES Suggests Focus On
China Gifts Hides Waco Woes

Date: 9/28/99
Author: Paul Sperry

In what's turning into an internecine feud between the White House and the FBI, President Clinton
charged that the FBI is trying to turn the spotlight away from its new Waco troubles by raising doubts
about the probe into White House fund-raising.

Four career FBI agents told the Senate Wednesday that the Justice Department has thwarted their
investigation of illegal foreign funds to the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election effort.

''The FBI wants you to write about that rather than write about Waco,'' a visibly angry Clinton told
Investor's Business Daily Friday night at the White House.

Justice earlier this month seized from the FBI videotapes that were withheld from congressional
investigators after the agency's 1993 raid on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas.

Attorney General Janet Reno has turned over the case to former Sen. John Danforth, R-Mo., for an
independent probe.

The president's statement, called ''extraordinary'' by Hill leaders, marked the first time he's criticized
his own bureau in public.

Asked about it, FBI spokesman Jim Davis said, ''I'm pretty confident we have no comment,'' adding
that FBI Director Louis Freeh is out of town.

Davis allowed that the FBI is aware that the ''relationship between the bureau and the president and
(between the bureau and) the attorney general'' is drawing more and more negative press.

Freeh butted heads with Reno in 1997 when he argued for an independent counsel to probe the
fund-raising scandal.

Some compare the discord between Clinton and his chief law enforcement agency to the one that
developed between President Nixon and Justice as the Watergate probe crept closer to the Oval

In 1973, Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus
resigned after balking at Nixon's orders to fire Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox. Solicitor
General Robert Bork wound up axing Cox and his staff of 60 lawyers in what's known as the
''Saturday Night Massacre.''

Referring to Clinton, Brookings Institution presidential scholar Stephen Hess said: ''The idea that the
president is acting as if the FBI is trying to do him in is pretty fascinating.''

Clinton also lashed out at Republicans in responding to several IBD questions about the fund-raising
probe, which has turned up at least $300,000 intended for Clinton from the Chinese military:

''The GOP wants that to be the story rather than guns'' and other issues that ''people care about,'' he
said, adding that ''not one person has brought up'' the Chinagate scandal on his stops around the

''You want to know the only person who has been linked to money from China?'' Clinton said.
''Haley Barbour and the RNC (Republican National Committee), that's who.''

''Bob Dole had more FEC (Federal Election Commission) fines than I did,'' he said.

Asked Monday if Clinton stands by his statements, White House spokesman Richard Siewert said:
''The president does not regret making those comments.''

Republicans say the reaction is typical for Clinton.

''He always likes to attack others more than defend his own positions,'' said a senior Republican
White House official.

''He has trouble with the facts and the truth,'' said House Government Reform Committee spokesman
Mark Corallo. ''So it wouldn't surprise me, in this case, for the president to be ignoring the facts that
his party and his re-election committee and his legal defense fund were the recipients of millions of
dollars in illegal money from foreign sources -much of it coming from Communist China.''

The Democratic National Committee has had to return over $3 million in illegal or improper
donations from the 1996 campaign. The RNC returned $102,400 in illegal donations from the
Florida unit of a Hong Kong-based real- estate company.

The 1991-93 RNC donations are apparently the ones Clinton cited. Barbour was RNC chairman at
the time, though Hong Kong was still part of Britain, not China, back then.

Barbour, now head of a Washington lobbying firm, is a target of Reno's campaign-finance task force.
IBD was unable to reach Barbour for comment.

The impromptu interview with Clinton, conducted on the South Lawn not far from the Oval Office
during a dinner for the press, lasted about 10 minutes and started with a single and simple question:
''When's your next formal press conference, Mr. President?''

Clinton was testy throughout. Observers say his face turned red when questioned about the
Chinagate probe. The questions came only after Clinton asked why he should hold another formal
news conference.

''He was pretty exercised, and I was surprised he'd get so exercised about the campaign finance
stuff,'' said Washington-based Seattle Times reporter James Grimaldi, who overheard the exchange
and filed a story Sunday. ''He actually blew up.''

Staffers for CNN and the Associated Press also witnessed the exchange.

The president's comments came just two days after three active FBI agents -Roberta Parker, Kevin
Sheridan and Daniel Wehr - and one retired - 25- year veteran Ivian Smith - told the Senate
Governmental Affairs Committee that Laura Ingersoll, the former head of Reno's task force, blocked
attempts in 1997 to question Clinton fund-raisers and seize documents.

Clinton scoffed at any suggestion that Reno is covering for him, or that the White House is colluding
with her probe. He brushed aside the questions as ''accusatory.''

''We've spent $4 million and gave the (campaign- finance) task force millions of records and every
shred of evidence,'' Clinton said, ''and they haven't found a thing.''

But in Wednesday's explosive testimony, Wehr swore that Ingersoll told the agents they should ''not
pursue any matter related to solicitation of funds for access to the president.''

Also, 14-year veteran Parker said Ingersoll turned down a warrant she wrote for possibly
incriminating documents at the Little Rock, Ark., offices of Clinton fund-raiser and friend Yah Lin
''Charlie'' Trie. Trie has pleaded guilty to breaking campaign-finance laws in exchange for no jail time.

The requested warrant included a mysterious FedEx package showing that 2 pounds of documents
had been sent by the White House to Trie on May 5, 1997 - just two months before the Senate's
Chinagate hearings opened.

Agents also testified that the task force blocked them from getting information from an informant who
claims seeing Trie toting in ''duffel bags full of cash'' for the DNC.

Parker told senators she kept a record of the FBI's disputes with the task force in a spiral notebook
she uses for all cases. She turned it over to her FBI superiors. When they returned it, 27 pages were
missing, she says.

On Monday, GOP Sen. Fred Thompson, who heads the Senate Governmental Affairs panel,
launched a separate probe into the missing pages. The panel plans to depose both FBI and Justice

Ingersoll was replaced as task force leader in 1997 by Charles LaBella, who left last year after
arguing for an independent counsel. LaBella said the American public knows ''only 1%'' of the
breadth of the Chinagate scandal.

Clinton would not say when he will hold his next formal press conference. He's had fewer than any
recent president.

(C) Copyright 1999 Investors Business Daily, Inc.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Let's hope Willie is so busy doing a CYA on this, he issues no more Executives Orders or
gun control "trial balloons". Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.(sardonic [g])

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Clinton: "The FBI wants you to write about that rather than write about Waco"

I think there's enough ink, print stock and front page space available to write about both.

Can we wait just a little while to let the light shine into the cellar? I wanna watch them kill each other off by spilling their guts on TV, in newspapers, writing books, etc.!!!

After all, (pout) they took the Munsters off TV - at least in our area. At least give us the chance to watch the Clintons and their extended "family". :)
After all, (pout) they took the Munsters off TV - at least in our area. At least give us the chance to watch the Clintons and their extended "family".

They're criminals and bastards
They're nastier than rat-turds
Reno's ass looks like old curds
The White House Family

They barbecue the good guys
Then cover up with more lies
I'd love to poke out their eyes
The White House Family

On the Hill

Clinton's time is now ending
They all need a good bending
Over the barrel, rending
The White House Family!

(OK, it doesn't scan. Sue me. :))

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
This is great! CYA by ratting out your partners. Hopefully, before long these people will be singing their heads off. With Chinagate and Waco they will be too busy trying to save their own butts to futher destroy our rights.

The best part of the movie is when the bad guys start turning on each other. This one could win an Oscar!
It's deja vu all over again...

"I want to make one thing PERFECTLY clear... I am NOT a crook!..."

Think anybody will pardon THIS one?
Watch out guys, i have a feeling Big Comrade is up to something really nasty to again take the heat off of himself. I am afraid it might be something to keep him in perpetual power!. Of coarse, i hope I am wrong.
Relax, Ivan, he's already got that covered: He's going to arrange for a "terrorist attack" to wipe out eveyone in the chain of succession, so that he has an excuse to declare an emergency, and hang onto office. Remember, you heard it here first!

Sic semper tyranus!
Gee, Lapdog Louis wouldn't do something like that would he?

"Sit, Louis! Good boy."

"Roll over, Louis, That's a good Director!"

"Fetch my slippers and Reno for me, this China thing is geting out of hand, and if we need to divert the public's attention, we'll blow up another building, or shoot down an airliner, or bomb an innocent country after making up accusations about them. Go on, boy, get to it!"

Don LeHue

Salad isn't food. Salad is what food eats.
Do you think its possible?

A hope for the future...

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Not possible. Stripes give the illusion of added weight. Big Mac Bill would somehow talk himself into a bright orange jumpsuit.

Possible cell mates?
Jim Baker?
Jim:"Your turn Bill to be Jessica, I was Monica last night."
Bill:"Oh, alright, I'll be Jessica and toot Gabe's horn, just don't ask me to be Tammy again, I hate the hair."

CCW for Ohio action site.
Maybe some more unexpected "suicides" will occur.
Can you imagine all the books and stories that are going to come out after this group is out of office?

"guns cause crime like Rosie O'denells spoon caused her to get fat..."
Well, Ivan, it pains me to say this, but I'm with you on this one. ;) I don't know about 'perpetual' power, but I'm sure Bill is thinking very hard about where he should create his next 'misdirection'. [After all ... he's never met a 'Miss' he didn't like. ;) ]

We could always bomb someone again. Now let's see ... who haven't we bombed yet? Indonesia? A possibility. North Korea? Probably too dangerous. Pakistan? Cuba? It's so difficult to choose ...

Don't you just love being led by a weasel? I know I sleep better knowing ol' Billy Jeff is in charge of our military resources ...

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited September 30, 1999).]
I know it's just wishful thinking, but it sure would be nice if Bubba took a page from Eric Rudolph's gamebook and just disappeared into some backwoods cave.
The FBI hasn't had much luck nailing him either!
I just hope and pray that someone will finally sing and we can move to place the "CROOK" and rapist behind bars where he really belongs.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.