Clinton address on new anti-violence laws


Retired Screen Name
Overheard a commentary on a local talk show
today by a rep from Gunowner's painting a
pretty grim future picture unless the some
80 million 'handsitters' stand up to be
counted. Maybe when they realize their
expensive imported bird guns are in jeopardy they will get with it...

Clinton took a direct point blank shot against "sportsmen and hunters" and laid the blame directly on our feet. This is the big one folks...they have the momentum now and any gains will increase it. I seriously believe we are looking at 10 yrs max until we are like Canada or England.

Listen to the people in your life the grocery store, etc. Emotional, yes, but don't discount it...emotions mean votes and support.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I have yet to see ANY positive historic examples that would give me hope. Have any people successfully resisted disarmament by their "own" rulers? (Lexington, maybe?, any others)

Cornered Rat Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
Never that I know of, unless they were willing to SHOOT their own rulers. I think the anti-gunners looked at Australia, and decided that when push comes to shove, we will back down. How many of them we'd have to kill to change that opinion, I don't know. The problem being, get caught discussing THAT topic, and you get thrown in jail.

All I know is, it's looking very unlikely to me that we can count on Republicans opposing gun control for very much longer; I follow some of the conservative magazines, and the Second amendment has pretty much disappeared as an article of "conservative" faith; Only the libertarians talk about it any more. Think it would be much of a shock to the political establishment, if a few tens of millions of gun owners voted Libertarian in the next election?