Clifornia now collecting "Use Tax" on all transfers!


New member
To all my hunter/shooter friends in the wonderful state of Kalifornia. Today my local FFL informed me that he will be required to collect a "Use Tax" on all transfers of firearms between individuals in the State of California. (This is also any firearm from an individual that is shipped into California).

This means that in addition to the federal
transfer fees, and the FFLs fees, another fee will be collected for the California Franchise Tax Board. I would say that if you bought a firearm from an individual and did it legally though an FFL, you had better get a receipt (with the $$ of your choice) from the seller, or the FFL probably will not be able to do the transfer....!
It is getting nuttier in this state by the day. I am in a countdown for leaving this State as retirement is less than 4 years away (I hope I make it!).

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.