Right now in AK seatbelts are a secondary offense. However, during this past legislative session a bill was introduced to make it a primary offense that warrants a traffic stop and citation. I'm not sure if it passed or not. The legislature was called into a special session to complete work on some of the governor's priority items. I don't think the seatbelt bill was one of them.
Rest assured, the bill was supported by the list of usual suspects of police chiefs, AST talking heads and the AK Peace Officers Association.
12-34hom, please don't take this as a personal attack on you. Rather it is a commentary as to the efficiency of the propaganda machine.
The primary goal of police officers is nothing of the kind. As a matter of fact we have no requirement to protect you or save anybody. The seatbelt thing is just PR to make people feel good.
The primary reason seatbelt laws are in place is because.......................you guessed it, the legislatures of the states are more or less owned by the insurance companies. Yup, that's right I said insurance companies.
Here's how it works. The states mandate you carry insurance on your vehicles. The insurance companies rub their hands together thinking of the $$ they'll make on charging drivers loan-shark prices on their premiums. The policy holders get tired of getting screwed by the insurance companies and demand their legislators do something about it. The legislative body introduces a bill to cap what an insurance company can charge as a premium. The insurance lobby whines and cries about losing profits and demands the legislature enact laws that will mitigate their profit loss in lowered insurance premiums. The easiest way to do this is to create a situation that statistically reduces the $$ amount paid out on claims. Hence, we get seatbelt laws for cars and helmet laws for motorcyclists. It's a win-win situation. The .gov gets another source of revenue and a legal reason to go on a fishing trip and the insurance companies in return get to statistically pay out less in injury claims from MVAs.
Do some of the officers really think they are doing good work for the people when doing seatbelt enforcement? Yes they do, but they're naive.
Does the .gov care on way or the other whether you get launched out the windshield in a head-on? Nope. As a matter of fact it's better if you do. It justifies EMS, fire, and LE budgets. It also add more ammo to the public propaganda campaigns (click it or ticket/seatbelts save lives).
Now do I think people should wear seatbelts? Well, I wear one because I think it makes sense to do so. I couldn't care less about anybody else, it's their own business. Yes I've had to clean up a few messes in my time and I still get paid the same either way.
Should the .gov have the power to mandate seatbelt usage in their vehicles? Absolutely not, it's an infringment on privacy and personal choice.
Should insurance companies have the right to refuse paying an injury claim for someone who wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Of course. They're a private company and can set any policy they wish and it should be made clear in the policy contract.
Understand that seatbelt and helmet laws aren't about saving lives. They're about chasing the Almighty Greenback Dollar for both .gov coffers and insurance company profits. Meanwhile the people lose a little more freedom and get screwed by both the .gov and their insurance company co-conspirators.
All Hail The Almighty Greenback Dollar.