Clenzoil is not worth it!!! HATE IT.


New member
uploadfromtaptalk1395370316728.jpg I bought Clenzoil (however it's spelled) and I HATE IT. As I understand it's supposed to be an "overall" gun juice as I call it. Cleaner/lubricant. Well... different story for me.

1.) It doesnt do crap for cleaning. You can pour this on and scrub with brushes and it wont clean anything. Rem-oil works soo much better.

2.) Lubricant?! Yea right. It's completely pointless. I put it on the action and just lubed everything nicely like you always do and I checked the gun a couple days later. The action was practically dry. I spray Rem-Oil or Hoppes on there and it stays nice and oiled for a lonnnnggg time.

3.) Most gun juices have some sort of rust prevention in them. Well if you look at the picture shown you can clearly see I have rust on the back of my SR45 slide. I do not have a "moist" house. None of the other guns had clenzoil on them and they didn't rust. I cleaned this baby up REALLLLLLY good and changed oils and it hasnt had a hint of rust on it since.

My opinion. Dont buy it. It's a waste.
While stainless slides aren't immune to rust, that picture still doesn't make sense unless you somehow introduced metal shavings onto the slide which rusted or somehow managed to expose a new-ish gun to extreme conditions (like blowing salt spray).
Interesting. I use Clenzoil for my shotgun, my revolvers and my pistols and they all come out clean, lubricated and function just fine. No rust magically showed up on any of my guns. With Clenzoil, you put it on and let it sit for about 10 minutes or so, then scrub/clean away and it works just fine.. for me anyway. As far a lubricating, I never had a problem with Clenzoil drying up on me or anything like that. The slide arms/receiver/bolt on my shot guns always retained a sheen of lubricant.. the same for the slide rails and such for my 9mm.

There will always be a better cleaning product when compared to the CLP type products when deep cleaning is needed.But, I find Clenzoil to just about perfect for a quick clean and lube. To each their own I guess.
Maybe I just have a bad bottle?

I don't know... The bottle of Clenzoil:Field & Range CLP I have been using, I opened up about a year ago and it still works like the day I opened it. I do know that Clenzoil says to shake the bottle well before using.. did you do that?? I know there are better cleaning products out there that are specialized as such, but I never had a problem with the lube drying up on me like you described.. that is what has me scratching my head.

Here is a picture of my 9mm after going to the range. I cleaned it about 3 weeks prior to taking this photo, then went to the range and shot off 150 rounds. If you zoom in on the gun, you can see the lubricant still has a sheen to it on the front portion of the slide rail.
I just really think I have a bad bottle. I've never had a problem with any other juices. My cousin uses it and he says it works perfectly fine. I'm just thinking it was a bad batch... I would shake it before use. I tend to do that with a lot of things even if not needed. This now got me wondering... might go back to the store and buy another bottle to test out
Is your cousin close by? Can you borrow some from his bottle? I ask because I'd be hesitant to buy a second bottle of something with which I was so obviously dissatisfied.
Found this thread on internet Clenzoil search . I like the product . Works well for me passes the Hoppes test i.e. smells good . Problem I have is finding it . No longer carried by LGS nor by Midway or Brownells . It is on Amazon but wonder why no longer widely available ?
We got our favorite brand name dish washing detergent the other day that was mostly water, very little detergent.
Mistakes happen.
On the other hand, try some auto trans fluid.
Very cheap and an excellent cleaner and lube.