

New member
Good morning everyone!

I'm pretty new to gun ownership, and until yesterday it had been more than 20 yrs since I shot anything.

My accuracy wasn't as good as I was hoping for, but I'm hoping that is mostly being out of practice. I've only put 50 rounds through, so I figure I have a couple hundred more before I get to a point where I feel "proficient".

My question was about cleaning. I purchased a generic pistol cleaning kit from Academy that has the patches, gun bore cleaning oil, lubricating oil, etc. I also purchased a brass bristle brush.

Do I really need anything else other than a lint free rag or two? I've been reading about various types of solvent, lubricants, and gizmos and whorrly gigs that can be used to clean all parts. I'm thinking that most of the other stuff is just a personal preference thing, but figured that I'd ask the experts.


In my experience, most gizmos and widgets are mostly hype. Some things make certain aspects easier... but if you keep up with cleaning, you don't need much.

Generally, after a few hundred rounds I'll take down the pistol, toothbrush full of gun cleaner (Hoppe's #9 for example) and brush the chamber, the barrel, the slide, wipe it off. Brass brush through the barrel, patch through the barrel, maybe 2 patches if the first came out really dirty. A little lube (anything from motor oil to gun specific lubricants) on the slide rails.

Really unless you have an issue with the gun, a really old worn out gun, a WWII gun packed in grease, or some other extenuating circumstance... gadgets and gizmos are not really ever needed.

My 2 cents.
I like having a metal dental pick for the tight spaces that sometimes get some fouling packed in them. Other than that, Hoppe's, a rod and patches, a brush, and some Rem oil for the contact points when putting it all back together.

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With your kit, I'd add an old white athletic sock or similar for an overall wipe down. (Since I wear contacts, I also use those blue vinyl gloves on my hands). I also prefer to use a jag when pushing a patch down the bore as opposed to that loop thing for a patch they put in a kit.
If you shoot mainly copper jacketed bullets you'll want a copper solvent. One of the best on the market is Boretech's "Eliminator" copper solvent, it's a surfectant and lifts the copper off the steel. Another is "Wipe Out" copper solvent and works the same way as the other, this one is a foam and you squirt it into the barrel. Boretech also make cleaners for lead removal, you can look up their website and check out their products.

Another company called Slip2000 makes alot of good gun cleaning products and lubes, you can check their website out
I always use lots of patches.

Go to Wally World and buy a $3.00 bath towel, color of your choice, but I use white.

Depending on caliber, it can be cut into anywhere from 200-800 patches.

If you are a 22 caliber shooter, it amounts to a good many months supply.