Cleaning the "Stealth Gray" finish on a Titanium Taurus 38 special.


New member
I went to the range yesterday and shot 50 rounds of leaded ammo through my Stealth Gray Titanium Taurus 38 special. Performance wise it performed very well. My question deals with the cleaningof this gun with this Stealth Gray finish.
After shooting 50 rounds, the front sight and the ports on the end of the barrel have this white gook and grime all over it. I cleaned the ports with the Hoppe Number 9, and the ports look good, but The sight is like a silverish color. It "appears" that the finish is worn away, but would shooting 50 rounds "burn away" the finish on the front sight? Right now I really don't know what to do. Does anyone here have a Taurus 38 with one of Taurus's new finishes like "Stealth Gray", "Spectrum Blue", etc....?
Lightsped, It could also be a possibility that the use of Hoppe's #9 dissolved the
finish on your Taurus Ti. I quit using
Hoppe's #9 years ago; once I learned from
the Sig factory that this product was very
harmful to the finish on their fine firearms,
as well.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Well, funny thing is, the Hoppe 9 got all of the gook and grime off of the ports, but was unable to get the gook (or maybe it is burned?) off of the front sight.
BTW, I own a Sig229. What should I be cleaning it with???