Cleaning the bore question

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New member
I recently bought a bronze bore brush that was marked as being appropriate for both 40 and 45 caliber pistols (I have a 40 cal Walther P99). Being a new gun owner, I tried to cram this thing down the barrel while cleaning (from the action to the muzzle). I gave up pretty quick when I realized that the brush just wasn't going to make it all the way through. A police officer friend looked at the brush and said it was made for a 45.

My question: will my attempt at using this brush damage the rifling in the barrel? I read (in a Hoppe's cleaning guide) that you don't want to let the steel rod touch the rifling, so I'm concerned about this situation as well. I shot very well the first session at the range prior to cleaing. After I used the brush, though, the gun seemed to shoot low and to the left.

Any help is appreciated.
If the bronze bore brush, even if it was a .45 brush in a .40 bore, damaged the bore on your pistol the steel in the barrel was gawdawful. I can not see how a softer than steel brush would hurt the bore. There could be damage from the cleaning rod (if steel but not aluminum - allowing for a new cleaning rod that did not have a chance to get grit embedded in it).

I think the shooting problems come from worry athat you damaged the bore and not from actual bore damage itself.

However, I could be wrong, I have in the the past but I would not bet on it.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

I agree with Jim...there's no way the bronze brush could have damaged your bore...there just isn't that much difference between a .40 and .45 caliber. Figure that the bronze bristles do flex and you were running it through the bore after dipping it in Hoppes #9, or something like that, and there won't be any problem.

As for it shooting low/left now, I think you might be psych'ing yourself out. didn't hurt the pistol!

Thanks for the help. You're both right, I probably was psyching myself out. I've got a lot to learn, but shooting is really fun, and I'm consuming info daily.

Thanks again!
Pipper, I am sure we all have managed to psych ourselves out after doing something to or with our firearms. Way back when, just after the invention of light, I got a .45 brush stuck in a 9m/m barrel. I got the brush out with no damage to anything but my mental state. It took me a long time to be able to shoot that Browning HighPower well after that.

Welcome to the shooting world. Enjoy and learn.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Use this technique at your own discretion: I'm not endorsing it or condemning it. One well-known gunwriter years ago advocated buying the next size (in caliber) bronze brush for cleaning chores precisely because it would be slightly oversize and do a better job of scrubbing the bore in his opinion.
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