Cleaning Solutions


Is it necessary to use any type of solvent in the bore and chambers when only lead bullets are fired from a pistol? If so, what is the best lead solvent to use? I use shooters choice when I'm shooting jacketed rounds and I use Hoppe's lead remover (brass screen jig) when I shoot lead rounds.
IMO, you've got it covered adequately. After getting the lead out with the lead remover, use the Shooter's Choice to remove any residual powder/primer residue. You can buy some solutions designed to remove lead, they will be marked as such and are put out by all the major suppliers. That is if you want to remove lead about 10,000th slower than with the lead remover. On the other hand, the lead remover screen can't get into the corners of the lands/grooves very well. Both types of lead remover are perhaps in order if you want the gun to be absolutely free of lead. Personally, I don't go quite that far with the cleanliness thing.
I've found that the Lead Clothes (Klean Boare etc) work very well and you can get them into all sorts of nooks and crannies.. or cut and use them as patches...
I've always been a fan of a combination of the Lewis/Hoppes Lead Remover screens, Hoppes #9, brass brushes and patches. However, after reading this post (or another), I recently purchased some of the Klean Bore Lead Away cloth. After a day at the range, I used my old cleaning technique until I was sure I have removed all lead from the cylinders and bore of my SS GP100 (patches were coming out clean). I then cut a few patches of the Lead Away (Klean Bore) sheets and pushed them through the bore. I was amazed to see a bunch of tiny flakes of lead on the patch. I also used this material to wipe the front of the cylinder, which I've never been able to completely clean before, and it got rid of all the soot! I should note that you can run new patches through the bore numerous times and the patch will always come out with a black stain. I'm not sure, but this Lead Away cloth seems to be very similar to Flitz polish saturated into a course cloth. If you wipe the outside of the SS gun, the patches rapidly turn black and it appears to polish the surface of the SS.

The package warns that this cloth should not be used on blued surfaces as it can remove the bluing. Its another neat tool for cleaning those tough spots, but you just need to be careful how you use it.
Big Lou is right on the money

Also, those lead-away cloths continue to work after they are black. For a real lesson in clean, cut a patch-sized piece and put it over a bore-brush.