Cleaning Ruger grips


Assuming that you're talking about the standard grip with the wood insert rubber grip, the wood inserts slip right out when you take the grips off. Although I've never had occasion to clean mine, I would think that any old liquid dishwashing soap on the rubber, after removing the wood inserts, would work pretty good.

Are you talking about just plain old sweat, skin oils, etc. or do you have something exotic on yours? :cool:
Ruger grips are made from a polymer rubber compound called "Santoprene." I did some research on it a few years back for Uncle Sam. It's tough and inert stuff, but like any rubber compound it cleans up better with something that's not petrolieum based which might attack the rubber.

I always use 99% Isopropyl alcohol to remove any lubricating oils, or body oils on my SP101; it's cheap and effective. 70% rubbing alcohol is too much water IMHO. Just dry it well with a hair drier or paper towels before putting it back on.

Hope this helps.


Yep, I'm talking about the standard rubber grip with wood insert. Nothing exotic on them :), just tried hunting deer with a revolver for the first time this week in the rain and mud and they look a little worse for wear. Not quite as bad as I do from all the briars though :D Thanks for the input!


Cheap and effective sounds good (sorta similar to why I like Rugers :cool: ). I've got some 99+% Isopropyl that I'll give a try. Of course we're going back out this weekend so it'll just be a temporary fix :D Thanks!

Hmmm, never thought of trying "armor all". Looks like I may have to take her hunting more often to try all the different ways of cleaning the grips. Oh well, it's a sacrifice I'll have to make :D Thanks!