Cleaning Question


New member
So, I'm sitting around, working a few cloth patches dunked in Hoppes #9 around the barrel and moving parts of my gun, when suddenly a question pops into my mind, so I decide to bring it to you, the helpfull TRF crew.

When I am cleaning, I usually run a swab or two over a piece, and when I see a significant drop off in gunk removed, I call it good. I never, ever clean and clean until I get a clean patch. Should I, or is leaving a tiny bit of residual stuff okay?

I'm dangerous on this board when I am bored.
Depends how anal a person is...I'm like you, a few patches or, even better, a bore snake and I'm done....I don't insist my last patch be white as the driven snow, only that my bore be reasonably shiny....Works for me and probably many others...Never any problems.....
Boy, good question Priv8Teer. I suppose what you're doing will assure that the next session at the range will be about as successful as it would if you sterilized your gun. But I actually enjoy giving my baby the best possible t.l.c. in front of the tube; it's relaxing. It's just me, but I want the last patch to come out white.
Dwight M S
What's the point in using patches and solvents if you're not going to get all the fouling out? That's the way I look at it anyway. If you don't care about getting it 100% clean -- and I think that's fine sometimes -- then just run a Bore Snake through and call it a day. If I'm going to take the time (and make the mess) to break out the real stuff, I might as well really clean.
I clean until spotless. Doesn't take much more time or effort and it gives me an excuse to fondle my guns longer :D