Cleaning Pistols

Don Parsley

What is the best way to clean the residue off the end of the cylinder of a revolver? I have tried about all of the popular cleaners, but it is still hard to get off. I need a secret to this!! Surely there is someone that can help.

[This message has been edited by Don Parsley (edited January 30, 2000).]
Don, Why do you need to clean this off? Other then cosmetics it doesn't hurt anything. If you need it off try using one of those lead cleaning cloths or a little Flitz polish. I assume you have stainless guns with this residue. It may take bluing off. I personally will wait till I'm going to sell the gun and then make it look real nice.

Is the revolver blue or stainless? If stainless you can use NAVAL JELLY, if it is still being made. It cleans up stainless quite well but will de-blue a blued pistol right quick.

Any good copper/stainless polish will work in cleaning up the powder marks on a stainless cylinder. Again not to be used on blued revolvers.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited January 30, 2000).]
I don't worry about this discoloration very much, but when I want to clean it off I use a piece of plastic scrubbing pad.

Neil Casper
I use turpentine and a toothbrush--cheap,easy
and won't hurt the bluing--also good for
removing powder residue anywhere else--don't
use the toothbrush tho',a soft cloth is all you need.