Cleaning Compact Polymer Frame Pistols


New member
As I mentioned in another thread (Feeding new Ruger….), I’m quite happy with my new .380 LCP II and 9mm EC9s. But I’ve found something I don’t like, especially with the super-compact LCP II-— gun cleaning.

These are my first compact polymer frame pistols— actually my first polymers period, After I got back from the range, I figured I’d give them a good cleaning. It’s never taken me very long to clean any sort of gun. I’ve got it down to a well honed routine..

I was surprised though that It ended up taking me far longer that I was expecting with these two little guys.

How do you ever get your fingers. a patch or a tool down into all those tiny nooks, crannies, channels and grooves in the slide and frame? I would expect that the situation is similar with most brands and models of compact polymers- not just these.

My cleaning kit includes a wide assortment of gun brushes, tooth brushes, patches, rods, old t-shirts, Q-Tips, etc. and i ended up using most of them. Still can’t get some Hoppe’s #9 residue out of some of the more difficult corners!

Good thing these are carry-much, shoot-little guns...
I too do not buy the carry much shoot little philosophy. I shoot my LCP often and clean it regularly. It does not take much to keep the striker channel and trigger mechanism in good shape. If you are looking for spotless perfection, good luck.

Edit: The LCP has a hammer and is easier to clean than my striker fired guns. I guess I need some more coffee!
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Good suggestions about the compressed air. Thanks!

Instead of using my can of computer cleaning air though, I’ve got an electric air compressor with a small tank in the garage that I use to top up my car tires. Now I can deploy what I always considered a useless needle nozzle in its accessory kit.

I agree that a carry-much, shoot-little gun is not the best. What tipped me to accept it though was the old saw about the best personal defense gun being the one you have with you rather the Government Model in your bedside drawer or glove compartment.

Guess I’ll be shooting it more than I was planning to, though…
Sorry, but the little guns are made for more carry than shoot; they will NOT take the abuse of a lot of shooting like a full size all-steel gun
FITASC how many rounds do you think it takes to wear out an LCP? I have no idea how many mine has shot. Several thousand between me and the previous owner who also shot it regularly. If/when it fails I will buy another. I would not carry a gun that I was not perfectly comfortable with, and that only happens with use.
If you're really worried about wearing out a gun, buy two. Shoot both to ensure function, and then dedicate one for training and practice. I do this with anything I'm serious about carrying.

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My Walther PPS-M2 is a great carry gun that I regularly shoot a couple hundred rounds through at the range. I couldn’t feel comfortable with a CCW or EDC that I couldn’t shoot competently.
If you use something like Hornady One Shot or Hoppes Gun Medic, you can blast it in there to get rid of the loose stuff, hit it with a brush before the carrier dries to break up the harder stuff, blast it again, shake it off, let it dry and you're done.

No need to remove any of the cleaner/lubricant residue because the wet part of it evaporates and what is left is a dry lubricant that provides corrosion protection.

Alternatively, you can clean with your normal techniques and then blast it with One Shot when you're done to get rid of any remaining solvent/cleaner that is in hard-to-reach spots.
FITASC how many rounds do you think it takes to wear out an LCP? I have no idea how many mine has shot. Several thousand between me and the previous owner who also shot it regularly. If/when it fails I will buy another. I would not carry a gun that I was not perfectly comfortable with, and that only happens with use.

Don't know, but the last thing I want to happen is have it fail when I really needed it to work......... I'm not saying not to get comfortable with it, but it is NOT a range toy meant for thousands of rounds.

Do NOT use Brake Cleaner on a polymer frame, unless you want it to be damaged.

Correct, but for barrels it is awesome