Cleaning bullet dies


New member
I have accumulated some bullet sizing (G&H) dies over the years that I have no use for, so I am going to sell them. I would like to hear of any way that you have found to strip the residual NRA Alox 50/50 lube from them before I take pictures. Any clever methods you have found as it pertains to solvents that work? Just the stuff that you have found to work...please!
Mineral spirits from the hardware store works to clean up lees dried on alox lube. Mineral spirits also makes a good thinner for Lee's liquid alox.
Pics of the 'inside' of the dies are more important , lube on the outside just keeps em from rusting .

But , a clean die will be more eye appeasing & will probably sell qwiker.

Are you refering to Lyman sizer dies ??? & if so the sizer & punch is "H&I"

If so I`m in the market for a .359

& agreed MS will clean the 50/50 off easily especially after a 24hr. soak.

Are you refering to Lyman sizer dies ??? & if so the sizer & punch is "H&I"
Whoops! G = top punch, H = die body, I = ejector punch (inside the body). You are correct, H & I. Some are Lyman, some are RCBS although I do not think that RCBS ever used the G, H, I designation.

I do not have a .359. I will have to inventory the ones I do not use anymore (mostly rifle) after I get them clean.
Yep as mentioned some mineral spirits and if needed a nylon bore brush will get them nice and cleaned out.

I might also be interested in a couple. If you get them inventoried PM me a list if you want as well.

I put them in a pot of boiling water then push the gunk out with pipe cleaners etc. Leather gloves and tongs are helpful.
Tried the Mineral Spirits on the Alox 50/50 this A.M. It worked as advertised. Thanks for the info.
Side note: After cleaning several, I noticed that the Lyman's were had a much better finish that the RCBS dies. Wow! Back in the day, Lyman moulds and bullet sizing dies were rough, but the only guy in town for us bottom feeders (who could not afford Star, Hensley Gibbs...hell, we never even head of them), who had to take Lyman's, "take it or leave it", attitude. When RCBS began to enter Lyman's market, after a slight lag-time, Lyman started producing moulds and dies with much better finish than previous to RCBS entering the casting field.
It`s amazing what a little competition will do to bump quality or performace up a notch!!

Shot 3D target for a number of yrs. & always had to practice with my driving buddy which shot an overdraw & a release , that made me step my game up a notch & he had to buy the drinks a few times !