Cleaning an FNP9


New member
I just finished a 500+rd fun session with my FNP9 and found plenty of powder residue all over the inside of the frame (700X powder used with cast bullets). It's hard to reach into the nooks and crannies of the frame when the slide is off. Can I use the pressurized automotive carburetor cleaner or brake cleaner (Wally Mart stuff) to wash/blow out the crud without damaging the polymer frame? When I do this with my revolvers, I immediately follow up with a spray of RemOil. Is this true of all these polymer frame compacts?
I would use brake clean, doesn't leave any residue behind. They do make brushes to clean magazine/mag wells. Kleen Bore makes them
Don P
Take a close look at the guts (frame assy) of an FNP9, you cant get a brush in there where the powder residue hides. The frame is black and the residue is black, you cant see well enough to know its clean. If no one has any experience/objections, I'll try the brake cleaner spray from WallyMart.
PS: part of the problem is the trigger group. You cant get a brush in there, either. If the trigger gets gummed up...and it's right out in the open where grit and residue can get in. I don't think I'll buy another FNP.
paint thinner

Buy a gallon of paint thinner (mineral spirits).
Put the field stripped pistol in a 13X9 baking pan and cover with paint thinner.
soak for 30 minutes, swish around and then allow thinner to drain out.
You can filter the used thinner thru a coffee filter into a container to save for re-use.
Safe for polymer frames.
I have an FNS9. I don't think I have ever cleaned it. Goes bang every time. Just a drop of CLP on the barrel every once in a while.
I use an ultrasonic cleaner from hornady to clean my brass and I read that it could pit plastic stuff.
I know that the polymer is different but I have never had the courage to drop my fnx-tactical in it. So I stick to my 1911's and revolvers.

I would use what everyone else has recommend and recommend using a can of pressuried air to remove the cleaning solution. Personally I have never had any problems not cleaning as deep as you have with my fnx, goes boom every time.
Cleaning using a ultrasonic cleaner?

Does anyone have any videos or a write up of cleaning using a ultrasonic cleaner? My company sells ultrasonic cleaners so I would like some more insight on using them for firearms.

Thank you
Ive seen some plastics affected by brake cleaner. Though i have yet to have it affect a polymer framed pistol it faded a cheap laser i had attached. That was enough to keep me from using it on any plastic or coated metal surface. It may be just fine but maybe the polymer is a little more resistant due to the type of plastic it is. I have also ate a hole in a pleather sofa by laying a rag with brake cleaner on it.

There's so many things that come under the description of plastic or polymer, it definitely pays to first test any cleaner on parts that might be damaged.
Magazines and trigger guards are the usual suspects.