Cleaning Advice


New member
Anyone know the best way to clean up an old H&R revolver?
The FFL dealer I bought it from said he purchased it from a widow who's husband had guns in the attic she didn't know anything about. The action seems to work just fine, but cosmetically is dirty. I was thinking of soaking it in some kind of solution but not sure.
Fun Fact: When my FFL dealer went to pick the gun up from the lady's house, the cylinder was still loaded with .32 rounds that has turned green. 50+ year old ammo?
Eds Red

1Qt odorless kerosene
1Qt atf fluid
1Qtmineral sprits
1Qt acetone

Remove all plastics before soaking , store in metal or glass containers only,with good lids to keep the acetone.

Some omit the acetone , some add lanolin.

Good on cleaning carbon/lead , does`nt do squat for copper though.

For lite rust I soak it a couple of days with strait ATF & rub it with 0000 brass wool.