Cleaning a stainless steel revolver


Do yourself a favor. Pick up a short, one piece rod, brass or aluminum. I have a old aluminum one - not sure if anyone even makes those any more. The type with the loop at the end helps with holding it. Get a brass brush to match the caliber.

After shooting, I just give the piece a wipe to remove the powder residue. Then I wrap a patch around my brush, wet and scrub the chambers and bore. I shoot cast bullets and the patch collects the slight lead residue rather than my sleeves or the shooting bench. (no, the patch does not prevent the brush from scrubbing) I repeat till I'm satisfied. I use a small brass brush on the area of the proximal bore and top strap where I get a bit of carbon build up. I use a dry toothbrush to brush away any gunk from other nooks and crannies and the front and rear of the cylinder. Swab the chambers and bore with a light coat of oil. One small drop of oil into moving parts areas. Any oil on my hands I just wipe onto the piece. (Balistol,non toxic). Ten minutes max.

One more thing. Leave the powder burns on the front of the cylinder. It gives a revolver character.
Stainless Steel

My personal preference is to remove the stains from the front of the cylinder. They don't hurt anything because they are just stains. But I still preference removing them. To do that, use a treated lead removing cloth. Rub hard until the stains are gone. Birchwood Casey sells a good lead removing cloth as well as other manufacturers. The last time I used Midway's brand, it was worthless. That's all you need.

This is likely to draw comments, but another way is to spray break cleaner with no chlorine through the bore, through the cylinder chambers, & at the very front of the cylinder where the stains are. You must take care to keep the break cleaner clear of any non-metal surfaces, such as rubber handles. (Don't use break cleaner on any blued surfaces.)

Then, use regular solvent, bronze bore brushes, & patches to clean the weapon. Apply bronze hand brushes rubbing until the stains on the cylinder disappear.