"Clean" Black powder?


New member
Has anyone seen or heard of a BP or Pyrodex type powder (designed for BP guns), that you can shoot for over 1000 rounds without cleaning? I caught the tail end of a commercial the other night and could have sworn that I heard the announcer state that the BP guns didn't require cleaning if this powder was used? I like my BP and Pyrodex, but I wouldn't mind taking my time to clean the guns without fear of rust either...
Yes they make this stuff called shurshot that is the cleanest stuff going. Just kidding. They might have been talking about American Pioneer. It is clean and they claim to have shot a BP rifle 5000 times without cleaning it in testing.

I bought a bunch of it and used it for practice. What I found is that it is clean. It is easy to load without swabbing between rounds. It does not seem to achieve very good velocities and is pretty limp stuff in BP revolvers. It sucks moisture and degrades quickly. It seems to be impossible to get any kind of consistancy from it. Not as accurate as other powders.

If you shoot a bunch of Pioneer then switch to Triple 7 you will be looking for somebody to give the American Pioneer too, free. Some people like it and I think it depends on what you are using it in.

I only found one rifle that it works good in. My Traditions Lightning Bolt with ThunderDome breech plug. It shoots hard and accurate in that rifle and for the life of me I don't know why. I suspect the AP is very dependant on a specific type of breech ignition design. If this was the only BP firearm I own I would think it's the best powder around.
777 also burns pretty cleanly when used in small amounts in small caliber guns. But every powder has advantages and disadvantages.
When it comes to substitute powders, I prefer the smaller fffg powder granulations. The ffg granulations just seem to be too large, although I have only tried 777 in fffg.
The 1000 shots [or more] claim was supposedly also used to hype TC Bore butter when it was first marketed in order to beat out the competition.
Yup, that was the name, American Pioneer.
Thanks for the feedback! I might have to get a can just to try it. The bore butter gives you a bit more time between cleanings, but not much. I have a T/C New Englander 12 bore that is pitted beyond belief, cause I used bore butter, and neglected to clean the gun for a month or two. A very expensive lesson for me, as I ruined a bright shiny as new shotgun barrel. I ended up buffing out tons of rust with a drill, bore brush and OOOO steel wool, after a night of Hoppes #9 soaking in it. It still shoots, but not the same and I have a deep pit of regret in my gut every time I think how easy I could have avoided the entire mess. Do NOT trust Bore Butter and neglect cleaning your guns!!!
What I found with American Pioneer is that there seems to be a sweet spot somewhere between 80 and 90 grains where it does very good. Less than 80 grains seems puny when fired and more than 90 grains leaves unburned powder granules in the muzzle. Talking about FFFg here.

If you use 80-90 grains and pack it tight, it works pretty good.