Classifier Questions


New member
It's not clear in the COF instruction sheet for the classifier whether you are drawing your weapon in the strings that have your back facing the targets. Or is the gun starting out already in your hand?
Also, on that string, is it best to turn to the right or to the left assuming the shooter (me) is right hand dominant. Or is it just a matter of comfort?
If it is a USPSA classifier the gun will be holstered.

I like to see most people turn around the gun, you would turn to the right if your holster is on the right side. Less chance of the the muzzle of the gun breaking the 180 doing it this way.
haha, i know i wouldn't want a guy shooting the classifier turned up range with a gun in his hand. If he is a righty and turns to his left, he sweeps EVERYBODY!

If you're righty, turn to your right. That way the gun only has to go 90 degrees. If you turn to your left, your gun will be turning 270 degrees.

And turn the same way every time you turn. It will become natural after awhile. Practice Practice.
Yeah, I figured it would be a draw from holster; and the advice about turning around the gun makes perfect sense. Thanks.
Most people I shoot IDPA with turn then draw for the classifier. I turn into the gun, It allows me to get on target faster. Others turn the other way, it is a matter of choice.
On the El Prez and similar, competitors turn into the gun, it puts them on target a smidgen sooner. Tacticians turn to the off side, it keeps the gun farther away from an assailant who might try to grab it as they draw.
Here's how I do it (not necessarily the best way):

Step forward with the dominant-side foot
pivot on your toes to your weak side

I don't reach for the weapon until I am actually pivoting, as the movement helps to get my cover garment out of the way.
Just want to add that the SO should ask which way the shooter is going turn so he and the rest of the squad can move to the safe side.
If you're draw is correct and you pull the pistol straight up your side to your pectoral muscle, then push straight out, you can start your draw as soon as the buzzer goes off and as soon as you start turning. No need to be turned around before you start your draw. The firearm is still pointing towards the ground if you do it right. In the name of safety though, do it how you feel most comfortable.
If you're draw is correct and you pull the pistol straight up your side to your pectoral muscle, then push straight out, you can start your draw as soon as the buzzer goes off and as soon as you start turning. No need to be turned around before you start your draw. The firearm is still pointing towards the ground if you do it right. In the name of safety though, do it how you feel most comfortable.

That's only going to be acceptable at ranges where it's allowed based on their defined "muzzle safe directions." At all the clubs where I shoot IDPA, they have adopted the 180 degree rule (borrowed from USPSA) as their designated muzzle safe directions.

You might be able to argue your way through such a draw with a 180 degree rule in effect, but probably not where I shoot.

In any case, you don't even lose significant time if when turning if you wait to clear your holster until you're clear of the 180 restrictions. The slow part of the draw for most people is the reaction plus getting their hand onto the gun in a firing grip. That time is large compared to the time it takes to rip it out of the holster and present the gun to the target.
We had some guys doing the Sul Technique in which South American SWATs point the gun at the ground and turn around its bore axis to round a corner... supposedly. We explained that this was not permissable, that the gun would actually either be pointed behind the line or at their feet. Therefore I would not allow a draw as described by DanV.

I DO, however, get my hand on the gun butt as I turn so all I have to do when I see the end target is to pull it. As do a lot of successful shooters.
What's the difference? If i'm turning to the right and i'm right handed, i'm drawing the gun while turning and so therefor i haven't broken the 180 line. Also, if i am drawing the gun and it is pointing downward until the gun comes up to my pectoral muscle, i dont see what's wrong with it...? Are you trying to say the draw is illegal or that i'm not allowed to have the gun pointed at the ground at any time?
I will not permit you to make a draw that has the gun out of the holster while you are still facing me (as S.O.) no matter it is pointing at the ground or whereever. If you are turned away, you can go right after your pectoral.
USPSA now has a rule that allows a 1 meter circle around the shooter that the bore must point inside of. Don't know if I like it or not. Sweep any part of your body and the day is over, but you CAN draw and then turn within the rules.

Being right handed, and shooting IWB just behind my hip at IDPA events, my bore is probably pointing right at the jewels/legs/feet of the SO on every draw facing downrange. There just isn't any way to clear the holster without doing so, and yet no one has ever said a word about it. I don't know if it would be better to have me pointing the gun at the SO, which is apparently perfectly acceptable using the gear I have, or to have someone pointing the gun at their own feet as they turn.
In order to be facing you and draw the gun that would mean drawing the gun first. I'm saying turn and draw at the same time. I wouldn't draw the gun while still facing you , then i'd be losing time because i'd still have to turn. By the time i get the gun out of the holster, i'm already half way turned around. Gun unholstered, half way turned around.
So just what did you end up doing? I bet that since it was your first time you were facing downrange long before you even got your hand on the grip. Am I right? :D
HSMITH said:
USPSA now has a rule that allows a 1 meter circle around the shooter that the bore must point inside of. Don't know if I like it or not. Sweep any part of your body and the day is over, but you CAN draw and then turn within the rules.

Here is the rule in question:

10.5.6 Allowing the muzzle of a loaded handgun to point rearward beyond a radius of 1 meter (3.28 feet) from a competitor’s feet
during drawing or re-holstering.

It does not imply or say you can draw while facing uprange. It's to account for holsters (like yours) that have a muzzle rearward cant. If you pull your gun from your holster while facing uprange, you're going to get DQd at a USPSA match.

Also, I don't like it, but you can actually sweep your own body during the draw or holstering without a DQ according to the rules. It's not a great idea, but it's not a DQ.

10.5.5 Allowing the muzzle of a handgun to point at any part of the competitor’s body during a course of fire (i.e. sweeping) other than while drawing from a holster or re-holstering.