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    In order to protect our members and TFL from possible litigation, all members must abide by the following new rules:

    1. Copying and pasting entire articles from another site to TFL is strictly prohibited. The same applies to articles from print or other media, and to posting photographs taken of copyrighted pages or other media.

    2. Copyright law provides for “fair use” of portions of a copyrighted work. You can copy no more than a SINGLE paragraph from the article to your post (3 or 4 sentences at most).

    3. You must provide a link to the article along with the name of website. For example: ww.xxx.yyy/zzz (The Lower Thumbsuck Daily News).

    4. You must provide, in your own words, a brief summary of the article AND your reasons for believing it will be of interest to TFL members. Failure to do so may result in the thread being closed or your post being deleted as a “cut and paste drive by.”

    5. Photographs and other images are also copyrighted. "Hotlinking" of images (so that it appears in your message) from other sites is also prohibited unless you own rights to the image. If you wish to share an image, provide a clickable link to it.

    Posts that do not follow these new guidelines will be altered or deleted by staff. Members who continue to violate this policy may lose their posting privileges at TFL.

    Thank you for your cooperation and your participation in TFL, the leading online forum for firearms enthusiasts.

classified post gone today

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New member
I posted a gun for sale on 12-10-09. It was there when I left the shop that day, but today it's gone. I think I meet all the criteria to post there. Did I do something wrong?:confused:
How about instead of deleting the post a friendly reminder is sent to the op and that way the post can be fixed instead of wasting alot of time relisting the item? If you dont tell the op what is wrong with the post how does he know what he/she is doing wrong? I had about 6 post deleted yesterday and dont know how I had them worded and had I known what I did wrong I would of just gone in there and fixed what ever it was that was wrong.:confused: I did not even get a e-mail/pm letting me know that my post was deleted or why they were deleted.
smee78 said:
How about instead of deleting the post a friendly reminder is sent to the op and that way the post can be fixed instead of wasting alot of time relisting the item? If you dont tell the op what is wrong with the post how does he know what he/she is doing wrong? I had about 6 post deleted yesterday and dont know how I had them worded and had I known what I did wrong I would of just gone in there and fixed what ever it was that was wrong. I did not even get a e-mail/pm letting me know that my post was deleted or why they were deleted.

No offense, but if the OP spent a little time reading the forum rules, it would waste a lot less of everyone's time.

I mean, the thread title is:

FORUM RULES - all must read before posting in this forum

and it's at the top of every sub-forum in the Buy/Sell section.

I don't think it's terribly logical to insist that the Mods waste their time sending you a PM so that you don't waste your time rewriting a post that you wouldn't have to rewrite if you'd read the rules first.
"How about instead of deleting the post a friendly reminder is sent to the op and that way the post can be fixed instead of wasting alot of time relisting the item?"

How about not?

This is how things have been at gun show for at least 6 months, and it was instituted because of MANY member requests.

Numerous warnings and reminders were posted in the forums themselves. It's part of the gun show rules, which everyone did read before they put their first post in gun show. Right?

You have to spend what, maybe 5 minutes relisting the deleted item? Look at it from the moderator's side. We may spend 2 minutes sending you a friendly reminder. And 2 minutes for the next guy. And 2 minutes for the next guy. And 2 minutes for the next guy. And 2 minutes for the next guy, and so forth and so on.

Sure, it may be 5 minutes of annoyance for you, but it very well could be an hour or more of wasted time and annoyance for the mod who has to send that friendly reminder to all the mistaken members who don't bother to include their location. It's NOT a trivial number on any given day.

All of the mods here are volunteers. Most of us have full-time jobs or other activities that demand our attention, as well.
To put some numbers to the statement Mike just made, I went back and looked at two pages of threads in each of the three Gun Show forums. In those few pages there were 22 threads deleted because the poster failed to include their location.

It's a simple rule, and easy to fix if you do make a mistake. The problem is that quite a few don't bother to read the rules, and if they have, they don't bother to proof read their threads, or they don't bother correcting them if they do spot an error. To be honest, we have very little compassion for any of those traits.
Reminds me of a great story:

A friend of mine just returned from a cruise. They were at port for a day and she had the chance to go zip-lining through a section of jungle. The instructor at the beginning of the payment process provided a disclaimer, "DO NOT WEAR FLIP-FLOPS/THONGS FOR SHOES". All the way up the trail, there were at LEAST three signs stating, "DO NOT WEAR FLIP-FLOPS/THONGS FOR SHOES". When she reached the top and was waiting for her turn, here comes, you guessed it, a gal wearing flip-flops. When the instructor told her she had two choices: Head back without a refund or they wrap her flip-flops to her feet with electrical tape. She went ballistic blaming everyone else but herself.

I think we provide PLENTY of warnings through the header bars of EACH forum and sticky posts. I'm more than willing to help out fellow members here. However, lack of planning on ones' part does not constitute an emergency on ours.
If 22 people forgot to put location and mods had to go in and delete 22 post why not just drop the location part of posting an item for sale? If a member wants info about the item for sale he/she can ask the person selling it.:confused:
The requirement to post your location is an aid to those shopping in the BS&T forums, so they don't need to open a thread to know what state the advert is from. TFL went a long time without the location-in-title requirement. It is a fairly new requirement. If all members put their state of residence in their basic info that is displayed below their username and kept it current, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
I don't mean to step on any person's feelings as I am new to TFL, but, why is anyone evening questioning why we can't do this or can't do that? The rules are there, they are set up, and it is incumbent on each of us, as members, to follow those rules that are set forth. No, I don't think there is even any room to question why we can't have it our way.

I don't think we ask the trooper to give us leniency as he writes a ticket for speeding, because everyone was going 10 over the speed limit, well in fact, why don't we just make the speed limit higher??

Probably a poor analogy, but I see no reason to question the rules myself.
"If 22 people forgot to put location and mods had to go in and delete 22 post why not just drop the location part of posting an item for sale? If a member wants info about the item for sale he/she can ask the person selling it."

How about we just get rid of the for sale pages altogether so we don't have this discussion in the future?

Is it really that much of a hardship to ask members to read the posting rules and abide by them?

If someone does have a post deleted, they've just learned a very valuable lesson -- failure to follow the rules has definite consequences.

Simply put...

The requirement to put the location in thread title is going to remain. Threads that don't follow the rules will be deleted.

Don't like it? There are many, many forums on the web where you can post sale items in any manner or format you wish.

Ultimately, it comes down to this.

TFL's sales forums have simple rules, and those rules are enforced. The sales forums are an extra benefit to contributing members. Not an entitlement.
You know, I lost count of how many people we had who requested that people put their locations in the for sale threads before we made it a rule. It wasn't a massive number, but I think it's safe to say it was more than a dozen over past year or so.

So far, as far as I know, only ONE person has requested that the rule be dropped.

Most people, when they find out that their for sale post has been deleted, and find out WHY it has been deleted, simply say "Oh, I'm sorry, I'll be sure to follow the rules next time."
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