Classic Firearms shipping speed


New member
Anyone ordered from Classic Firearms? How long did it take them to get your order out the door? I placed an order for 2 rifles last Monday and my order has been in the same status ever since. They had my payment and C&R immediately, so that's not the hold up. I called them and got some song and dance.
Last time I ordered from them I waited 2 weeks then called them . They told me they had run out of what I had ordered, so I asked when they would have more and they said they didn't know. I thanked them for the great customer service they had given. I ordered from another place and got my order a week later. Two weeks later my order showed up from classic. I went ahead and kept the order as that will be my last one from them.
I place them in the same category as SAMCO and SARCO. Good products you can be satified with however, you best not be in a rush to get them. :rolleyes:
Did they show "availability" as "in stock" or "out of stock" at the time you placed your order? Their system should automatically adjust stock as inventory changes... but, maybe not. :(

Maybe so. Sometimes big discounts mean low overhead... like not enough employees to handle shipping in a timely manor.

Hey Everyone,

ClassicFirearms here. Our shipping times have GREATLY improved with our new website. Typically if you select an FFL on file you will get your order shipping within 48 hours - sometimes the same day!

Also our inventory is live and in real time now. No more calling to check or place you order. Now you can just add to cart, enter your details, press checkout, and wait for some quick shipping.

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Armymutt - saw you were local. We do not allow a direct pickup, but do have a local FFL who can assist you with this. You can read more during the checkout process.
Wow - after a personalized, public response from them, you want to maybe reconsider that "SAMCO" remark?

My personal experience with them is, over the course of the last four years I've ordered a half-dozen or so firearms. Sometimes it takes a week, sometimes 3 or 4, with the longer delays being coincidental with their website or order system upgrades.

So I've had to wait a bit for a toy - big deal, I'm a grown-up.:rolleyes:
Called again. Turns out the Nagant is out of stock for an estimated 90 days. Says in stock on the Nagant page though. The lady on the phone said that she's been bugging the web site guys to put a statement that only returns and parts guns are in stock.
Whenever I do a phone order with any vendor, I always have all the contact info set up with my FFL and the vendor. And, I always ask if it is in stock and get an estimated shipping time. I've been lucky so far; my last Classic order came in about 5 working days, as they said.
Ordered from them last month, July 23. Shipped July 24.

Our shipping times have GREATLY increased with our new website.
You mean decreased, I hope.

<<Fixed it in the original post.>>
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@ emcon5 Yes you are right. I was trying to say that our ability to get orders out of the door and shipped has increased. The overall shipping process is lightening fast now.

We even now have a shipping timer on the product page that allows you see see if the order will be shipping the next day -

Note: That timer will turn off in about an hour - it's valid on items on the weekdays!
Similar experience. Ordered 2 Mosins online, showed available, charged my card. Got a voice mail a week or so later "Sorry, ran out. We'll process a refund." Hopped on the phone with another vendor and had my rifles in about a week.

It happens, but they [you] need to better match actual inventory with the web site. Nowadays this isn't rocket science, and when dealing in limited inventory should be Job 1. Anything else leads to upset customers that will go elsewhere next time. Much easier to not take an order you can't fill anyway.
In the past 4 months, I've purchasd four items from ClassisFirearms. Each order was a postal money order type. Questions were answered quickly and items shipped very promptly. Classic is AAA.

And you can take that to the bank!