Classic firearms newly obtained bolt action


New member
Any ideas what has obtained. According to their recent post it is a highly desirable C&R bolt action that hasn't been available for awhile and appears to be from Russia.
Mosin-nagant is obviously the first thing that comes to my mind but those aren't that rare or hard to find. Maybe some desirable version of the Mosin?
C&R Russian bolt action with a silhouette of a MN.
How can they be mysterious about another warehouse of Iron Curtain surplus?
I know there are a lot of MN variants and some people are trying to turn them into "collectors items" the way a lot of other surplus has been priced out of reach of the casual shooter. Maybe.

Be more fun if they were Berdan IIs, though.
wow...mosins are already up to 200$ plus??? I am glad I bought three last year when they were still 129$, and people said that was over-paying. these may well be good investment guns someday.
^^^ That surprises you? ALL milsurp guns are a good investment. I can think of not a single milsurp C&R qualified gun or rifle that has not been an excellent investment over time. New guns, for the most part, are not as good from an investment perspective. I got my mosins when they were $69, and they were still available in VG condition. It's important to get them when everyone else thinks they're cheap and a bad investment.
Ok, they're a good investment in some ways, but you have to understand that the increase in value and the increase in the price are not the same things.

Say you get a rifle for $100. Gas is $1. That was then.

Now, the rifle is $200. Gas is $3.

In crease in price, no increase in value. Opposite, in fact, in this case.

Generally as things get scarce, their value increases, prices increase. BUT, if your money's value is a variable thing (which is the case today), price can change a lot without gain in value.
likely it is a shipment of type 38s. not really too desirable but moreso than 91/30s, could also be hex receivers. it's all marketing anyway. just throw in some buzzwords like "desirable" or "banned from import" and fools will rush in with cash in hand.
I just saw that Cabela's has a stock of Russians (it said they were in Ukranian storage, so I'm just assuming here) for ten bucks cheaper. If you don't own one yet, now is the time to buy. They won't get any cheaper, that's for sure.
I'm waiting anxiously to see how long it takes for them to sell these out...or if there's a "sale" sometime in the next month or two...

I think that, this is about "tops" for this rifle... and a reasonable price for a refurb. Others that have them at this price, still have them (SOG)- so they're not flying out the door. For shooters, and not collectors, the primary motivation is still the cheap ammo.