Class III info...


New member
I,one day,would like to own a fully automatic weapon...or a dozen.
How would I go about getting a Class III weapons license?

And what's the deal with Class I and II?Do I need both before I can get a III?

Any info if much thanked for and please provide as much detail as you care to.

You want a C3 FFL? or just want to ahve the toys?

If it's teh toys, tehn find one for sale, make sure they're legal in NC, buy it, do some paperwork, and there you go, take it home.

BTW, you do realize the cheapest POS is $3000;)
It not called a Class III license. that is something completely different. To buy a machine gun you need to pass a federal background check, and pay a $200 tax stamp before you buy the machine gun of your choice.
If you can buy a pistol from a dealer, you can own a MG, pending local laws.

and pay a $200 tax stamp before you buy the machine gun of your choice.
You buy the MG BEFORE filing the tax stamp.
As Mister asked do you want to become a dealer or just owner?

Owner- Buy the mg you want that is a pre 86 model on the register already, fill out the form 4, send it along with the other required items listed on the form(different required documents depending on if it's going on a trust or individual registration), and a $200 check to the NFA branch in WV. Wait until it's approved then take your form with the canceled tax stamp to the dealer you bought it from to pick it up.

Dealer- Get your FFL, then apply and pay the SOT(special occupation tax) $1500 to be a Title II Class III dealer.

You can find out more here
The Form 4 is an application for transfer of a registered NFA item. If you buy from a dealer, the dealer should have the forms and fingerprint cards and be able to help you in submitting the application. When or how you pay the money is strictly up to you and the dealer, BATFE doesn't care and, in fact, the transfer must be approved even if the transfer is a gift.

In some areas, the CLEO will not sign the form; there are alternatives, but BATFE will not approve transfer to an individual without a CLEO signature. Here also the dealer, if local, should be able to help.

What is the background check like? Do they refuse people often?
I have a misdemeanor so in MI cannot apply for a ccw for another 6 years. Would seem odd for the atf let me have these cool things but my state not let me legally pack a weapon outside my home...if a petty misdemeanor is such a limiting factor in one jurisdiction.
I would really like an sbr or a few but i understand the only thing MI won't allow is SBR's and SBS, unless they are on the C&R list (none that I am aware of, but if so nothing I'd want). Maybe a Serbu then, only $5 AOW that really could not be made with a hacksaw, it's a cool gun.
Would seem odd for the atf let me have these cool things but my state not let me legally pack a weapon outside my home...if a petty misdemeanor

Yea, that sucks. Get an AOW. I get more stares and looks anyway when I take my 10" Mossy to the range than I do with the machineguns.

unless they are on the C&R list

Actually, If I remember right I think reproductions of the original C&R are good to go. So an SBR Thompson would be OK. Or a reproduction SxS shotgun cut down to 9". LOL.
Has to be a C&R gun, not a repro. Basically, if it was used in WW2, it's good to go. Dewat's that were Rewatted more than 50 yrs ago are good too.

Plus side of that, is that youy can bypass a dealer transfer with a C&R.
You know that if you get a class III license, those toys are not for your use? Nor can you keep them after you ditch the license.

If you want them for personal use you gotta fill out a form 4 which is in no way a license. It doesn't say that anywhere (compared to your driver's license which states it is one). Its merely a form that shows you paid the tax on the item which is what is the felony that earns you 10 years in prison if you didn't pay. Ya, uncle sam frowns on those who try to skip the bill very seriously.
Post guns gotta be sold off or destroyed. PRe's can be transfered (F5?) to the sole proprietor. If it's a partnership, gotta sell 'em.
Some of the replys regarding the class III are confusing.

So say i go out and get the class III licencse, i have questions that will help the op.

1, will the class III allow me to purchase post 86 guns.
2. If it does, will i be allowed to play(shoot and enjoy) them, or are they strictly for sale only. I ask becuase someone said that if you get a class 3 the post 86 guns arnt for your usage. So if i read that right, id be able to purchase and sale, but not to fire or enjoy??

Thanks for your help in this matter.
So say i go out and get the class III licencse, i have questions that will help the op.

1, will the class III allow me to purchase post 86 guns.
2. If it does, will i be allowed to play(shoot and enjoy)

If you just want to own one, you do not need a license. You do, however, need to get a form 4 approved for the weapon before you can take possession of it. As an individual (non-FFL/SOT) you can only buy and possess transferables, not pre-samples or post-samples.

Only get a license (manufacturer or dealer) if you plan to actually do business. If you aren't planning on engaging in a bonafide business involving NFA weapons, do not try to get a license. If you don't do enough business and it appears you got the license only to enhance your own personal collection BATFE can rescind the license, and in some cases, charge you with felony tax evasion. The fees are $500/year for the reduced rate SOT. This is in addition to the fees for the underlying FFL. If you get a manufacturing license, you'll need to also pay the $1650/year fee to the Dept. of State.
All the Class 3 dealers I know shoot their post-May DSS'. Most of them have a CLEO friend who will keep giving them evaluation request letters for various items. If you do go to the trouble of getting the license, at least make a reasonable show of conducting business. There is business out there from what I've heard.
Shaggy, you say i dont need a class 3 to own a post sample, but need to fill out a form 4. say i wanted a P90, that is a post 86 weapon. I could own one if i get it approved via form 4, or am i no matter what i say or do stuck to owning pre 86 guns.
The only MGs an individual can own are transferables - those made and registered prior to 5-19-86. To get a transferable MG, you'll need to complete a form 4. Pre-samples and post-samples can only be had by dealers/manufacturers (pre-samples can be retained by a dealer/manufacturer after they give up their license, but can only be later transfered to another dealer/manufacturer)