Class at the range on Sat. and Sun.


New member
Well, the wife and I have a Basic class at the range tomorrow and Sunday. We are excited. Since I bought my Sig 220 at the end of July I have put ~550 rounds through it. So much fun, so much to learn. My wife got her Glock 19 the week before last. Only 100 rounds through it. I will give y'all a range report when all it's over

Sweet... give us her impressions too.

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Well the first weekend out of two is over. I will give my impressions first, then my wife's.

Our instructor is a police instructor for several counties in northern Ohio.

So far, I have learned that I have a tendancy to "work the gun" instead of letting it "work itself." I am learning better trigger management.

It is quite different when I am just shooting by myself than when an instructor is looking over my shoulder. My first few targets were not what I am capable of. I did get more comfortable toward the end and my groups and singles got better.

I can't wait until next weekend.

Now my wife's:

She says that it is very informative. It helped refresh the basics of safety that she already new.

He helped her realize that she was flinching and showed her how to correct it.

That is it for this weekend. More to follow next week.

[This message has been edited by Blev (edited September 26, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Blev (edited September 26, 1999).]
That is great you guys! I'm glad to hear you had so much fun.

Keep in touch and let us know how things are going. Keep working on the trigger control. It's very important. Concentrate, relax and most of all have fun.

Happy Shooting and Be safe.

P.S. If you have a rifle, unload it and have a friend balance a dime on the front sight. Practice till that coin stays put with out falling off. Excellent trigger control practice!

[This message has been edited by LadydeeJ (edited September 26, 1999).]
Hey y'all,

Tonight was the last day of our 2 weekend basic class. This was a blast. Only sad thing is that it's over. :-(

Again, I will post my views then Angi's.

This class really helped me with my groups and my trigger control. I've still got a lot to learn though. I shot my best group ever tonight. Of course it was at 8'. But still. That first double action shot is still a bit of a bugger. I did get to try a Colt Commander. I shot my Sig better. I guess that is to be expected with familiarity and all. The final was 10 rounds at 8', 16', 21', 32' and 50'. I was able to get all but one at 50' in the max scoring and that was in the second highest region, Yea! I had never been able to get much of anything at 50'. We are going to take another basic class before we take the advanced.

Now the better half,

I enjoyed the class, and I learned how to correct my problem. The instructor gave me some dummy rounds to practice with. I hope to get better before we take the next basic class. I'll have to do some more dry fire practice when I get a chance!