Class 3 transferred, yay!


No real info in this post. I'm just gloating b/c I saw the debit on my bank statement that shows Impact Guns has shipped my AWC archangel "T" to my local dealer.

I'm guessing that he'll get it in a few days and I'll start the form 4. Then *wait* and *wait* and *wait* some more. gahhh..

(Yes, this is my first NFA item) :)
I just sent the money to the guy on the 25th so I figger another month before my ffl calls and asks for his share of the pie. No news is NOT good news here. Can't wait for that call that he now has it even if I do not since thats what anoher 3 to 4 months more I have to wait (hopefully) and then its MINE! :D
I'm in the process of waiting for mine to go through. Hopefully it won't take that long but it's been a month so far and well, it already feels like a long time :( .
It shouldn't be too much longer, like I said, they have only been running around 4-6 weeks. I just sent off a F1 and a F4 on Monday (10-2-06). I'll keep you posted as to when they come back.
I'm still hanging on guys. Just sent a barrel off to be threaded, 3.5 weeks estimated turnaround. Waiting on a scope, 2 weeks still waiting. And Tactical Solutions "10 days" shipment has turned into nearly 3 weeks.

Seems like all I do is wait :)
Don't fret, some guys on the Class3 board over at (:barf: ) are claiming less than 3 weeks and some even 18 days on their turnarounds. Seems like the NFA branch is getting more efficient!