class 3 dealers question


looking for some "been there" advice. i am the owner of a police supply store and we are looking into a class 3 dealers ffl. what special occupational taxs have to be paid? and help is greatly appreciated.

A couple questions; do you want to deal in NFA weapons, or do you need manufacturing capability and licensing?

Do you plan on selling or transfering any DD's (destructive devices), or just MG, AOW, SBR/S, supressors?
I used to be a class III dealer. It cost $500 a year for a Special Tax Stamp. You also have to have a FEIN.
Is there a market?

Are you planning on selling NFA weapons to law enforcement agencies only or to civilians also? Are local LEO agencies likely to be purchasing NFA items from you and if so, in what volume? If looking toward civilians, are NFA items legal for civilians in your state? Can civilians in your area get the CLEO signature to do Form 4 transfers?

It all comes down to whether or not it is cost effective to have the SOT.
the plan is to sell to LE and civ. we live in a class 3 state and have a friendly CLO. mostly just MG, SBS/R and suppressors.
no manufacturing.

f you already have your 01/FFL, all you need to do is pay the SOT. Manufacturing gets a bit more complicated as there can be more entanglements with zoning and waste disposal, but just dealing is a snap, especially if you alrerady have an FFL.

That said, even as an SOT, to get post sample MG's you'll need to get a letter from a law enforcement agency requesting a demo. You don't need the demo letter for transferables or pre-samples though.
After you get your SOT, be sure to buy a few pre-86 dealer samples. You can keep them if you give up your SOT. :) Cheapest way to get some MGs for personal use.
After you get your SOT, be sure to buy a few pre-86 dealer samples. You can keep them if you give up your SOT. Cheapest way to get some MGs for personal use.

Gotta be very careful with that one. If you're not in business long, or cannot show bonafide business on the SOT, getting a license to get presample keepers for your personal collection is a good way to get charged with tax evasion.