class 3 dealer in louisiana?


Hello All,
I'm having some bit of difficulty locating a decent class 3 dealer in louisiana. I'm currently in Baton Rouge, so the closer, the better.

I'm planning on ordering my first nfa item, an SWC archangel T suppressor for use with a p22 and 10/22, and while it doesn't seem to be too difficult to do, I've got to find someone local to handle the transaction. Anyone have any recommendations?

Thanks in advance

PS. How do you guys typically obtain the CLEO approval? Just waltzing into the PD, asking for "the chief" b/c "I want a silencer damnit" doesn't seem to be a great plan.
Can't help you with the dealer, but...

as for the CLEO signoff, in larger departments (and I assume Baton Rouge is larger) go to the same place you would go for a gun permit. Here in Indianapolis, I have to take my Form4's to the firearms branch at the city/county building. There they fingerprint me and pass on the forms to their own investigators for approval and then on to the Sheriff. I am notified by phone when the forms are ready to be picked up. Usually takes them about 10 days from drop-off to pick-up.
PS. How do you guys typically obtain the CLEO approval? Just waltzing into the PD, asking for "the chief" b/c "I want a silencer damnit" doesn't seem to be a great plan.

Usually that IS the plan. Worked fine for me and many, many other NFA owners.

Call up the PD and ask for an appointment with the sheriff, chief, etc. Get dressed up and look respectable, go in and ask nice and polite. If they say no, or don't understand the process, explain it as best you can that the CLEO certification is only to certify that they have no reason to believe your possession of the weapon in question would not be in direct violation of any local laws or ordinances. The CLEO bears no liability for signing the form (unless they signed it knowing full well you intended to commit a criminal act, or that your possession of the weapon would be illegal).

If all else fails, politely explain that you can still legally obtain the NFA weapon without their approval or knowledge. In effect, by signing the form they get to know what you're obtaining and when. If they decline and you have to form a corporation, they cannot find out what you bought or when.
" go to the same place you would go for a gun permit. "

heh, that would be difficult since we don't register firearms in this state. But yes, I think I'm going to go to the Concealed Handgun permit office and ask them about it. That's probably a good idea.

Also, I seem to have found a place that can get what I'm looking for, but man, all these class 3 people seem to act very strangely. (At least the ones I've contacted so far.)

Try jim's guns on siegn lane they might be a class 3 dealer. Also, you might want to try red stick firearms on S. Chocktah they have some toys there for sale.

good luck.
sorry for the lack of clarity. I meant the place you would go to apply for a CCW permit. Just used to calling it a gun permit....darn slang....

I have to admit that some of the C3 dealers around here are a bit on the unusual side, but you are bound to find one that you are comfortable with.