Class 3 auto question


New member
1) Would a full auto SBR require two tax stamps?

2) Just for clarification a person cannot build a full auto? It has to be purchased this way, correct?

3) An NFA tax stamp in Ohio, would trump municipality law?

Ok three questions.
Machine guns only need one stamp. Barrel can be as long or as short as you want.

Individuals cannot manufacture new automatic weapons after May 1986. Only companies registered with the ATF may, and only for military/law enforcement use.

You are governed by your local laws. If your county/city says no SBRs/full autos/etc, then you cannot own one, regardless of federal law.
Columbus. I have a couple of AR-pistols that I would like to turn into SBR's. However I was wondering if at some point I was able to get my hands on a full auto, swapping the standard upper with the short upper, would be an issue given that it is only stamped as a full auto.
Silencers are their own device and need the tax stamp separate.

Speaking only of your AR pistols, as there are many other guns. You can SBR both pistols, then you can buy one DIAS or Link that was registered as a machinegun properly before 1986 and use this conversion device to move back and forth into either of your guns. If you do not have the separate SBR registration then the conversion device must stay in that one only host weapon as once you remove it you have created an unregistered SBR.

If you intend to convert only one firearm with the conversion device and are happy to leave it in that one gun then no SBR registration is required.

Before you get all giggle excited, a registered conversion device is going to cost about half as much as a new car.
If you are in Columbus, go check out Aumiller's gun shop in Westerville.

I think the guy is a ass but that is a personal thing. He does have a nice gun shop and a good number of transferable full auto guns for sale. The last time I was in there he had an M16 for sale (12,000 bucks if I recall)