Clamp on Muzzle Brake

what kind of gun. threading the barrel is generally a very simple process, but I understand if it's a difficult barrel for some reason, like a shotgun. I had a clamp on brake a long time ago on an SKS, didn't last a day, but the grizzly ones look alot better quality than what I had, mine couldn't get tight enough to keep from flying off the barrel. if you do get one, please post back and let us know how it works for you
i definitely understand you wanting a brake on a .300wby, I say it's worth a shot, as long as they warranty it. a barrel threading will usually run you about 120$ at a local smith, then you still gotta buy a brake. it's not a like a mosin nagant where you can go to amazon and find a threading set on the cheap either. the DEFCON 1 seems to look like an effective design to reduce recoil, but it's gonna be LOUD, the grizzly would probably be second best and less obtrusive. the added weight can help or hurt your accuracy, no way to tell up front, but you will probably be okay. good luck, let us know how you decide ad how it works. welcome to the forum.
muzzle brake

Truck Driver, Thanks to you, I learned something new, today. I did not know there are clamp on muzzle brakes. I will be interested to know what you do. I did some research and found several reviews and several places that make them. Some are a bit pricey compared to a non-clamp on type.
With the barrel only 24" long I don't want to loose any more barrel length and that's the reason for a clamp on muzzle brake. I believe you have to cut the barrel to install a screw on and recrown but I might be wrong.
that is incorrect, but the cost an be pretty big by the time your all said an done. no need to shorten your rifle.
Hmmm the last and only one I had done the smith said he had to shorten the barrel so he could align it with the bore and ruined a good shooting barrel.
I understand possibly needing a new crown if it's tapered down the outside, but shortening the barrel is B.S. unless your smith was saying your barrel was crooked somehow, but even if your crown was crooked you can put a new crown and take off only very little material, less than a 1/16 of inch......I have threaded two barrels myself and cant imagine a reason for needing to "shorten", maybe someone more knowledgeable than me could chime in about that. shorten maybe if you have an old milsurp that has a front sight in the way could be a possibility, I have cut mosin's/sks to get rid of the sight

maybe i'll learn something
I'm going to try some reduced loads in the 300Wby a friend suggested and if that doesn't work then I will either sell it or brake it.
The barrel is recrowned AFTER the muzzle is threaded (outside threads) for the brake.

The recrowning will clean up any dammage to the rifling during the threading process. skizzums is right.

If you gun smith says he needs to shorten the barrel, go find another smith.
Thanks for the info. Grizzly also makes a brake similar to the Vias brake they call the Ghost Protocal. The only difference is that the bottom isn't open so you don't get dirt and debris blown up from the ground. They also say all brakes are loud and the Ghost is quieter than most but still loud.
I saw a U-tube for Vias and they used a sound meter to check the sound level and there was very little difference between the rifle with or with out the brake.
The noise level heard on the U-tube was not that much difference to my ears with the Vias and with out. I will have to have the Vias threaded on where with the Ghost it will be a clamp on. The advantage with the Ghost is If I don't like it I can sell it with minor loss but the Vias will have been matched to the barrel and probably wouldn't work on another rifle unless the barrel diameter was the same. Have to check the price difference.
I can tell just from looking the GHOST PROTOCAL is barely going to reduce your recoil. I would consider it more for flash suppression that anything and appears that the only recoil reduction is from a linear compensator deign, you need a brake with two to three larges ports on the sides angled to the back to dramatically reduce recoil. the ghost may help with muzzle rise, but not much for recoil. the ghost will be quieter just because its directing the sound forward, but you want the opposite for recoil reduction. I really think for your large caliber you need to stick with the defcon or grizzly.
I have a Kahntrol on my 7-08.
Over 1000 rounds down the tube and I haven't needed to touch it (well, I checked the allen screws for torque, and they needed nothing).

I believe Clark from this forum had a bad experience with one he had, but I'd buy another.

The Grizzly looks about identical to the Kahntrol, but the Kahntrol has six set screws.