CJ Hamilton &Son .22


I have a small stamped steel .22 short pump action rifle. It is marked CJ Hamilton & Son Model 39
Plymouth, MI .22 cal short.
Pat. Oct 30, 1900
Aug 9,1910
I would appreciate any information you could give me on it's history and worth.
Thanks in advance

Ian, here is some information I've gathered on the Hamilton Rifle Company and the Model 39 rifle.

In 1882, Clarence Hamilton being a businessman and owner of a small building in Plymouth, Mi. got together with investors and started the Plymouth Iron Windmill Company. The iron windmill business went no were, lasting only a few years. Before the plant and business fully closed, Clarence went in partnership with a friend who had invented an all-metal air rifle. At that time only wooden air rifle existed.

In 1895 the Iron Windmill plant was producing more air rifles then Windmills. While manufacturing air rifles, Clarence had ideas of manufacturing low cost boys’ rifles and began to designs inexpensive methods of manufacturing rifle barrels and rifles. At that time, .22 cal. rifles were referred to as Boys’ rifles because of their size. In 1898, Clarence sold his portion of the air rifle business (later know as the Daisy air rifle company) and the Iron Windmill company. The two company’s move out and the Hamilton Rifle Company of Plymouth, Michigan was born. At the same time Clarence son, Coello completed tool and die training. Two years later Clarence died and Coello took over the business.

From 1898-1945 the Hamilton’s invented and manufacturer good quality affordable .22 cal. rifles. There were 14 different models, retail cost averaging $2.00-$ 5.00 per rifle. Other rifle companies where charging $10.00 and up per rifle. In addition to the rifles low selling price, good marketing and advertising made the Hamilton Rifle Company the most popular and successful boys’ rifle company of its time.

Retail Company’s who sold products such as magazines, costume Jewelry, etc. door to door would use the Hamilton rifle as a promotion, offering a free rifle to those who made their quota. Feed Companies promoting their products would randomly place a rifle in feed sacks. If you where lucky enough to buy the right sack, you got a free rifle.

In the early 1900s, boys who were short on money would unsuccessfully try to repair the worn or broken firing pins and/or locking mechanism themselves, instead of taking them to a gun smith. Due to this practice and other factors, an estimated 99.9% of the million Hamilton rifles produced are in Rifle Heaven, which makes the existing good condition rifles very good collectable items.

During WW II (1942) the company stop rifle production and made parts for the war effort. In 1945, after the war, boys’ rifles lost their popularity and the company closed its doors.

The Model 39 was the only repeating rifle built by Hamilton. It is a hammerless slide action design with a tubular magazine. The magazine capacity is 15 rounds of .22 Short cartridges. The barrel is 16" with a brass liner and a blade front sight. The stock & slide handle are walnut. The Model 39 was made from 1922-1930. In very good condition it might be worth up to $250. Hope this helps!

Steve Mace

I have a single shot #43 CJ Hamiliton & Son Gun.I dont know much about it but the date on it is 1900.Does anyone know anything about this gun?
The posting from Steven Mace above gives an excellent over view of the Hamilton guns. Your Model 43 was made from 1924 to 1932, Value is listed as 300 in very good ( very rare ) to 100 in poor. Hope that helps.
I bought a single shot Hamilton at a flea Market years ago. The bolt was missing and I thought it was a B-B gun at first. I eventually took it apart out of curiosity and the barrel is sheet metal. It appears that sheet metal was crush rolled around a rifled mandrel and then the mandrel removed. I am not going to go look at it right now, but I remember it was marked .22 short.
"I have a single shot #43 CJ Hamiliton & Son Gun.I dont know much about it but the date on it is 1900.Does anyone know anything about this gun? "

I know you posted this years ago but i just went through some of late Dads stuff and found this same gun. Did you every get any answers on it?
Thanks, Neal
I bought a single shot Hamilton at a flea Market years ago. The bolt was missing and I thought it was a B-B gun at first. I eventually took it apart out of curiosity and the barrel is sheet metal. It appears that sheet metal was crush rolled around a rifled mandrel and then the mandrel removed. I am not going to go look at it right now, but I remember it was marked .22 short.

Normally when Hamilton is mentioned someone says Remington Arms purchased his patents. That would include the rifled mandrel.

F. Guffey